Seeing is Believing!

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  • #21530
    Peter Bunyan
    PSTEC User

      Seeing is Believing! Do you wear glasses but have no actual problem with your eyes, just getting “older”. Your vision getting blurry but it “happens to everybody”. It is so common, with millions of people afflicted, yet the only solution appears to be seeing your optician and being prescribed spectacles of one sort or another, and having to pay many £s$s for the rest of your life. Every few years needing stronger and stronger lenses.
      Well I have been wearing varifocals now for about 8 years and I am fed up with it and I am going to do something about it with the help of PSTEC.
      You can follow my progress here on this thread. If I can become glasses free, then so can you.
      How am I going to achieve this? More in my next post.

      Peter Bunyan
      PSTEC User

        Because the deterioration in my eyesight is seen as age related I have focussed much of the Click Track work that I have done so far on “fear of getting older”. I do not think it any coincidence that many people find they “need” glasses when they turn 50 or so, as I did. This is mid-life crisis time, a time when you “discover” that you are now longer as young as you once were but still with enough energy to resist and “fight” to retain what you have, trying to “put off” the inevitable. However who says eyesight deterioration is an integral part of “ageing”?

        PSTEC is only one aspect of my regaining “normal” vision. The others are diet, exercise and regular testing to check on progress. I will go through these in more detail in later posts.

        Has my eyesight improved so far in only a week or two? Oh yes! Not much, but hey, if the the deterioration  is purely age-related how come any improvement is possible?

        PSTEC User

          Very interesting. I have dioptre of only +0.75, but I don't like to wear glasses at all…

          Scott Lambert
          PSTEC User

            Hey Peter, any further updates on using PSTEC for eyesight?


            Peter Bunyan
            PSTEC User

              Hi Scott

              Thanks for your inquiry. Sadly I have to confess not much to report. I found I was overwhelmed by the amount of time required, the disruption to my daily life and the sheer dedication needed to overturn such a powerful mechanism roughly described by “seeing is believing”. I would have to absolutely believe improvement is possible in the face of all personal evidence to the contrary. So currently it is a project for another time. Despite the title the PSTEC course “Think and Grow Rich with PSTEC” is probably the way forward combined with regular eye exercises. I still “see” no reason for it not to work, sounds like I should go and do some Click Tracking first.  :D


              Peter Bunyan
              PSTEC User

                For anyone interested in this subject

                Part of the solution is to implement a number of lifestyle changes this post on MarksDailyApple puts it together quite well

                Any resistance or procrastination can be overcome with PSTEC Click Tracks and other tools. (Note to self…)


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