Will PSTEC work for non-native english speakers

Forums General Discussions and Specific Issues Confused and Not Sure Where to Start Will PSTEC work for non-native english speakers

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  • #22214
    PSTEC User

      This is my main question regarding ALL pstec products. Iam not born english speaker. Iam from Czech republic (Czech language). I can understand english very well (speaking daily working at international team and watching lots of english netflix without subtitles). But my question is what language does my subconscious speak ?

      I have Belief Blasters and Tim is obviously speaking English with a very rapid cadence using all sorts of inverse negatives and weird sentence structures to get through to the subconscious. But although i understand very well when focusing on Tim's speech and I see what he is doing consciously, is my SUBCONSCIOUS understanding the embeded commands in English when iam Czech speaker…

      As Czech, does my subconscious really accept commands in english ? Consciously i can understand all thats said on the tape and i can see how it can really work, but is my subconscious really following the commands “hidden” in a foreign language…

      Also the negative belief that you are supposed to repeat all the time should it be in english to MATCH the instructions language (English) or should it be in your native language (Czech) – isnt the subconsious gonna be CONFUSED processing 2 languages at once – INSTRUCTIONS in english and negative belief itself repeated in Czech…

      I have social anxiety all my life

      I tried blasting a negative belief “You were boring” or “You had nothing to say to people” (in Czech it would be “Byl si nudny” and “Nemel sis s lidma co rict”) – the Czech version of the negative beliefs when said out loud sounds much heavier and burdening than the English translation… so i feel like iam more sensitive to the Czech version of the negative belief when said out loud than the English translation…

      So now iam confused – what is the theory behind using PSTEC for non-native english speakers

      Please be honest – if PSTEC products only work for native english speakers iam ok to search elsewhere rather than waste my time and feed my subconscious with foreign language commands that it doesnt understand…


      Paul McCabe
      PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

        Hi rvrv,

        Thanks for your post.

        Yes, as long as you have a good grasp of the English language (and you clearly do), PSTEC will absolutely work.

        PSTEC has been translated to other languages and that is effective when the user has no or very little grasp of English.

        Many, many people who have learned English as a second language have gotten extraordinary results using this technology. It works

        The subconscious will figure it out and Tim has engineered all of the tracks to ensure maximum effectiveness. A range of tried and tested principles is blended into the tracks.

        I think it is important to note how complex our minds are, and this is why multilinguists can easily slip in and out of different languages.

        I would contend that, as long as you get the essence of the belief and feel the “truth” of it (whilst trying to believe it), the process will work very well indeed.

        I have worked with people from all over the world and, even when English is not their native language, the process still works.

        This thread may also be helpful:


        I recommend keeping the belief in English. However, please feel free to experiment. You may find that, by keeping it in the Czech language, you get even more resonance. Whichever works best for you is the right approach. Try it and see.

        Please keep at it, rvrv. Please ask us anything.

        I am very confident PSTEC can facilitate you in eliminating the pattern of social anxiety.

        All the best,


        Paul McCabe – PSTEC Master Practitioner


        Please contact me anytime if you want any assistance in utilising PSTEC to help you live a life of tremendous freedom & possibility.

        Recreate yourself with PSTEC.

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