PSTEC Food Addiction Question

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  • #21792
    PSTEC User


      the PSTEC Food Addiction Tracks did help me very much with my bad desire for coke.
      I got rid of it, the problem was I stopped doing them after 1-2 days and after 10 days I did trink coke again.

      My Questions are:

      1. What if the underlying Problem is sugar? So I don´t want to buy all the single sweets I eat when im Stressed or feeling bored. How can I relate the Food Addiction tracks to a “group of sweets” and no single sweet? Does this make sense?

      2. I´m in the process of Losing weight, is there any problem in doing the food addiction tracks + the weitghloss tracks ?

      3. Would you change the following routine?

      1. Standard Clicktracks for all Feelings connected with my overweight (i.e. bullying)
      2. Food Addiction for a group of food
      3. The special weitghloss tracks?

      I´m not sure if the Standard clicktracks are needed in this routine.

      Your help is very much appreciated.

      Best regards.

      Peter Bunyan
      PSTEC User

        Hi Akiro

        I have asked Sally to answer this question. Hopefully she will reply soon.


        Sally Baker
        PSTEC User

          Hi Akiro, about your food addiction work with PSTEC. In my experience with clients it isn't necessary to keep repeating the use of the food addiction tracks for a successful outcome. If you have used the basic free click tracks or the EEFs to bring down the emotional connection to your binge foods or drink first is key to long term success. Focus on the feelings you have when you think about Coke or sweet things – it's not wholly about making sure you have the right example of the binge food to work on. It's really about your emotions and feelings that are linked to your binge food choices. Hope this is helpful. Pleased to hear you are losing your excess weight. Make sure your nutrition is good and you're making food choices that support satiety and well-being. Regards Sally Baker

          Peter Bunyan
          PSTEC User

            Hi Akiro

            Good nutrition and food choices, satiety and wellbeing? My personal solution is based on the Primal Blueprint lots more free info at Marks Daily Apple. Although I do not have a weight problem, as a runner good nutrition is vital to my training. My wife and daughter who have joined me in this (sadly not the running) have lost weight and now easily hold to a steady optimum. It works for us.


            Sally Baker
            PSTEC User

              Good choice Peter! I'm a great Primal / Paleo advocate. My next book written with Fellow PSTEC Master practitiober is called Eat Easy Paleo – replacing processed meals with real food. Looks like we're on the same page

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