Emotions vs memories

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  • #22037
    PSTEC User

      I usually feel emotions more than memories of the past.

      Which PSTEC product is recommended to work on if I can't reproduce emotioms from memories but from hypotetical scenarios or I only feel emotions that come from nowhere (like stress, emotional pain in chest or tiredness).


      Paul McCabe
      PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

        Hi Truman,

        Thanks for your post.

        A memory is not necessarily something we feel, but a “faculty by which the mind stores, encodes and retrieves information.” (source: Goo Gill ?)

        Of course, you may experience emotions and feel certain feelings when accessing memories or when thinking of imagined future outcomes. Equally, because we have the ability to repress emotions and disassociate from the memories, you may not experience any emotions when thinking of certain events from the past.

        When running the Click Tracks, it can be very effective to associate back into the memory. See what you saw then, hear what you heard, and try to feel what you felt. If a memory is very traumatic (e.g. involving abuse), however, then work up to this.

        Also, it is worth noting that your subconscious mind does not distinguish between memories and imagined outcomes. You can, therefore, work with what you imagine (e.g. worst case scenarios) and feel those emotions. There will usually be a historical cause for anything we imagine in the future, however.

        The PSTEC Accelerators (http://bit.ly/pstecaccelerators)  would definitely go on the “essential list” for people using PSTEC long-term. It can help you find causal events and reassociate with the emotions you originally felt. It speeds progress.

        Alternatively, you could use PSTEC Positive Extra Power (http://bit.ly/pstecposextrapower) to layer in a suggestion like “When I use the Click Tracks, I remember the cause of my problems”

        I hope that helps, Truman. If you need any clarification or have any more questions, please let us know.

        Take care,


        Paul McCabe – PSTEC Master Practitioner


        Please contact me anytime if you want any assistance in utilising PSTEC to help you live a life of tremendous freedom & possibility.

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        PSTEC User

          for example. when a woman that i like doesn't reply my texta makes me feel bad. but i don't know any root cause for it. and if i try i would be just creating one from nowhere and i don't think that's useful for the process.

          also when i try to CT on a strong sexual fetish i can't recall a root cause of memory for it. if i try i would be inventing one.

          Paul McCabe
          PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

            Hi Truman,

            Thanks for your reply.

            “when a woman that i like doesn't reply my texta makes me feel bad.”

            This doesn't make you feel bad, I would contend. The meaning/interpretation you have given the situation has led to you producing the bad feeling. This can happen in the moment and does not necessarily have to have a historical cause…but it probably does.

            So, what was your interpretation?

            “She doesn't like me”, “She is ignoring me”, “She doesn't respect me”, “I'll never find love.”

            Maybe it is one of these, maybe it was all of them, or maybe you had extra ones.

            What if someone told you her phone was broken, or she never got your text, or she was just playing it cool (as she didn't want to get hurt)?

            What if another person said “She's being a bit flaky and likes playing people, but it has nothing to do with you.”

            These might seem unlikely to you now, but they are valid and reasonable interpretations.

            Sit with those for a moment and recognise they are possibilities and not delusions.

            If it still feels very true to you, then I would suggest running the Click Track on the idea that she is ignoring you (or whatever you have imagined) and try to feel the bad emotion as strongly as possible while CTing to 0 or 1.

            The same thing applies to the fetish. I am confident the Accelerator would help you find the cause. Ultimately, however, you have a fetish that you seem to want eliminated.

            You can definitely accomplish this type of behavioural change with PSTEC.

            So, work with what you know. Imagine the situations where the fetish seems particularly strong, bring up the feelings of desire/excitement and CT those.

            Hope that helps,

            Paul  :D

            Paul McCabe – PSTEC Master Practitioner


            Please contact me anytime if you want any assistance in utilising PSTEC to help you live a life of tremendous freedom & possibility.

            Recreate yourself with PSTEC.

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            PSTEC User

              Thanks paul. your insights are invaluable.

              I have the accelerators. does the CT accelerator track work directly on the issues or its just a tool to add to the free pstec audios/CT 2015 tracks?

              i also bought cascade release resently.

              Brian Tucker
              PSTEC User

                Truman this is very common. You have a fear of rejection. When this texting exchange happens take out the clicktracks while it's happening and CT down as far as you can.

                Also imagine you text someone and they never respond to you again or in person.as bad as you can possibly imagine it.

                imagine you are completely rejected with the worst possible text you can imagine.

                CT any impatience or frustration with the texting exchange

                CT all down to a 1 or 0

                Paul McCabe
                PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

                  Hi Brian and Truman,

                  That's another very good way at getting at the problem…and making it a non-problem  ;)

                  Important to note with PSTEC is that there is more than one way to change; in fact, there are many. 

                  I've written about change itself here:


                  Truman, I appreciate your kind words. Thank you.

                  The Accelerators can work directly on the issues too and are excellent at stimulating the recall of causal events.

                  I hope that helps,


                  Paul McCabe – PSTEC Master Practitioner


                  Please contact me anytime if you want any assistance in utilising PSTEC to help you live a life of tremendous freedom & possibility.

                  Recreate yourself with PSTEC.

                  Skype, Zoom, in-person & phone sessions available…

                  PSTEC User

                    I've been CTing a lot but I think that most of my problems comes from continuous emotional abuse from my parents and not specific events in the past.

                    how should i approach the issue if it was a long term experience?

                    ive come to realize that my mother is an emotional bully and fucked most of my self esteem and confidence growing up.

                    Paul McCabe
                    PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

                      Hi Truman,

                      There is little doubt that our upbringing has a huge bearing on our lives.

                      Because you mentioned your mother emotionally bullied you, there is no question this would have impacted you tremendously. This may have damaged your overall view of women, people and relationships

                      Emotional abuse at any age can be devastating. You can crack this, however.

                      Who did you think you had to be for your parents?

                      How did they react when you did not do what they wanted you to do?

                      Did you ever feel rejected by your parents?

                      There will be a pattern to this and specific events may surface – connected thoughts, feelings and emotions.

                      I recommend that you start with anger, CT all the events with anger attached and work from there.

                      Let us know how it goes,


                      Paul McCabe – PSTEC Master Practitioner


                      Please contact me anytime if you want any assistance in utilising PSTEC to help you live a life of tremendous freedom & possibility.

                      Recreate yourself with PSTEC.

                      Skype, Zoom, in-person & phone sessions available…

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