any downside to fearless?

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  • #22071
    Sindee Lee Gillespie
    PSTEC User

      Hello Brian and Paul –

      While I've been making great progress in my business I “notice” I still hang back a bit when it comes to reaching out to new prospects. I've enough NLP training to know I have some beliefs that are impacting this aspect of the sales process.

      Am curious about beliefs around being fearless – as in, I am fearless when I call people about my product. (I tend to mostly use 'I am” statements)

      Pretty sure I won't tell people off cuz I'm fearless ((grin)) and yet am wondering if there would be a downside to this belief? I'd actually love to be fearless in business and in life and around money!

      To clarify – I'm more interested in the fearless aspect for “not scared or nervous/afraid” than I am about being ballsy and bold – although that would probably help too…lol

      Thank you for your thoughts!

      with appreciation,


      Paul McCabe
      PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

        Hi SLG,

        Thanks for your post.

        I appreciate the pattern you have identified can be resolved by PQT. You can, of course, resolve this with various PSTEC tools – such as CTing any resistance to reaching out to new prospects.

        You could imagine what you fear coming to fruition. It might be “people thinking less of me”, “rejection”, “criticism” or “not being enough.”

        You may also wish to combine this with Belief Blasters, eliminate the belief(s) feeding the pattern and layer in the positives.

        Beliefs like the following may feed into the pattern:

        “It's bad to be pushy”
        “People don't want to be bothered with sales pitches”
        “People think less of people who ask for a sale”
        “Closing is scary”
        “If I don't close perfectly, I'll lose the sale”
        “If I get a no, it's mean I've been rejected”
        “What makes me good enough is doing things perfectly”

        You could say those out loud and check whether any of them resonate with you. If they do, I would recommend putting them into the past tense and blasting them.

        Then, you can layer in some positive suggestions with PQT.

        I suggest the following:

        “What I have to offer is incredibly valuable and now I can relax”
        “Offering prospects a brilliant proposal is never pushy”
        “Even if a prospect says no, I can remain very chilled now”
        “I am completely calm and at ease when reaching out to new prospects”
        “No one is rejecting me and I can relax now”
        “Telling people about my business has become so easy now”
        “No matter what any prospect says, I am safe to promote my business”
        “I am comfortable speaking to new people, as it makes sense”
        “Money is safe and I am relaxed around it now”
        “I feel good about myself for being so courageous now”

        I hope that helps, SLG.

        Please keep the thread updated with your progress and any questions you may have.

        All the best,

        Paul  :D

        Paul McCabe – PSTEC Master Practitioner

        Please contact me anytime if you want any assistance in utilising PSTEC to help you live a life of tremendous freedom & possibility.

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        Sindee Lee Gillespie
        PSTEC User

          Thank you VERY much Paul! What surprised me the most is that the first two statements had some feeling around them and I really thought I was over all that…lol

          Is the 'past tense' of each:

          It was bad to be pushy

          People didn't want to be bothered with sales pitches

          I realize I have some “don't want to intrude on people” so..

          It was bad to (it was wrong to) intrude on people

          Again, huge appreciation for your insight!

          My best,


          Paul McCabe
          PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

            Hi SL,

            Thank you.

            It is a pleasure.

            To be honest, things pop into my own awareness frequently. I am a big proponent of “physician, heal thyself!”  ;D

            For the intrusion aspect, you can find logical counterexamples like “maybe some people see salesmanship as instrusive, but not all people”, “most people are cool with chatting to decent people who care and can help them” and “some people might not be ready to buy, yet I can still be a positive influence.”

            Also, while it may not be necessary to go there, it is amazing how much “intrusion” can crop up. It is not uncommon for in-laws, teachers and employers to say things like “speak when you're spoken to!”, “do as you're told!”…or just tell people to keep quiet (sometimes in an abrupt way).

            Think back. If your parents often acted like you were bothering them, this would have an impact on your model of reality.

            If this becomes habitual, it would not be uncommon for a child to form beliefs like:

            “I'm an inconvenience” (maybe the wording “I'm a nuisance” is more apt)
            “What I have to say is not important”
            “It is rude to ask people for anything”

            You can check in with those beliefs too. You may not hold these, but they can definitely contribute to such a pattern.

            Thanks again, SL.

            Paul  :D

            Paul McCabe – PSTEC Master Practitioner


            Please contact me anytime if you want any assistance in utilising PSTEC to help you live a life of tremendous freedom & possibility.

            Recreate yourself with PSTEC.

            Skype, Zoom, in-person & phone sessions available…

            Sindee Lee Gillespie
            PSTEC User

              Whoa Paul – you peeking in my brain?…lol  Interestingly enough the “nuisance” was a HUGE message I received as a child even influencing my thoughts in this forum somewhat that  I'm “posting too much/asking too much”. So I “shouldn't text/email/call” falls all in line with that.

              Is the past tense then: I was a nuisance?

              That feels SO true!

              Feels like a never ending string of beliefs being pulled from the magician's hat – oh look, what a surprise, here comes another one! 😮

              with HUGE appreciation,


              Paul McCabe
              PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

                Hi SL,

                Thank you for your reply.

                It is always a pleasure and, let me assure you, I really appreciate your posts. So, please keep posting, if you have any questions or anything you wish to contribute.

                Good thing is…when you eliminate these beliefs and install more positives, the pattern is likely to be a ghost of the past  ;)

                Best Regards,

                Paul  :D

                Paul McCabe – PSTEC Master Practitioner


                Please contact me anytime if you want any assistance in utilising PSTEC to help you live a life of tremendous freedom & possibility.

                Recreate yourself with PSTEC.

                Skype, Zoom, in-person & phone sessions available…

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