Reply To: Difference between Achieve your Natural weight and PSTEC Weight Loss alone?

Forums General and Miscellaneous Questions About Weight Loss Difference between Achieve your Natural weight and PSTEC Weight Loss alone? Reply To: Difference between Achieve your Natural weight and PSTEC Weight Loss alone?

Sally Baker

    Hello Line, Thanks for your query. Liz Hogon and I wrote Achieve Your Natural Weight very much as a reflection of how we work successfully as therapists in our face to face sessions with clients around issues of successful weight loss and ending a wide range of behaviours and beliefs leading to emotional or comfort over-eating.

    It's not a heavy read as it's very much about exploring the issues you have around food so that you can begin the process of working on yourself as straight-forwardly as possible and hopefully feel different in a very short time.

    When we began working with clients about their weight issues we didn't take a view on what they were eating or advise them in any way. We just focussed on our therapeutic work. However, clients kept asking our advice and from this, and our own research, the book does include guidance we have developed and written called the Eat Programme. It's not too prescriptive and is offered as a way to support the changes you are making in your thoughts and beliefs as you work through the book. Food plays such a vital role in how we feel in ourselves, both physically and emotionally and traditional diets, where you have to deny yourself foods, or go hungry can trigger uncomfortable emotions in lots of people which taps into their self-sabotage and a desire to give up. The Eat Programme is big on satiety and nourishment.

    There aren't any current plans to release Achieve Your Natural Weight as an audio, although it is an interesting idea :-) The text is really only there to explain how to move forward and to focus on specific issues as they arise for you. To support the process there are focussed EFT scripts, video demonstrations, Hypnosis sequences on MP3 and useful templates to apply to your own exploration.

    The book does include links to the free PSTEC click tracks together with guidance on how to get the best results when focussing on emotional issues around food. On our website there is the opportunity to download a 20+page preview of the book so you can check out whether our style of presentation will work for you.

    I hope this answers your query. Should you need any further information please do not hesitate to make contact again. Good luck with whichever route you choose. Sally Baker