Reply To: Becoming an affiliate.

Jeff Harding
PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

    Aloha Gabriel… you can use whatever medium you wish to spread the word of PSTEC using your affiliate links.  So, no, you do not have to have a website; you can just send emails with the links, post on Facebook, Twitter or other social sites, post comments in forums with your affiliate links… or any combination of these and others.

    Just be sure to be in alignment with the PSTEC Affiliate Agreement in terms of what you can and cannot do.  You can find that on the PSTEC Affiliate site.

    “Does, “Show new replies to your posts.” say (1) when I have one, or do I have to follow the link, to check?”
    I was not entirely sure what this question referred to, but I am guessing it's regarding the forum here.  When you write a post, to to “Attachment and other options” just below the editing area and you can designate how and when you receive notification if someone replies to your post.  Also, on each board, you can click on “Notify” and when someone posts something new to the board you will be notified via email.

