Reply To: Issue Specific Hypnosis tracks from Tim would be AMAZING.

Meghan Saunders

    Hello Mike –

    I too enjoy just going through a hypnosis session with Tim.  I find it utterly relaxing throughout my entire being. The Positive Empowered audio recording is great – I agree! 

    YES – is my website which I fully designed and built last week.  I honestly “blame” the PSTEC Positive Empowered for the initiative to build the site.  It was only a few days after listening to it that I felt driven to put it together – it is something that had “been on my mind” for a long time.  Now it exists.  Kind of cool to realize that just now.

    Thank you for the compliments it did take a fair amount of work to get set up the way I want.  I am still adding content and packages but for now – it is up.  Thanks for visiting.

    I am sure Tim would do quite well to release issue specific hypnosis audios — the man has a gift with words.