Reply To: PSTEC for a child w/ a phobia

Jeff Harding
PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

    Thanks Oz…


    For the short run…

    As always, with medical issues,
    be sure to consult with your medical professional.

    • PSTEC Click Tracks are difficult for small children because of the difficulty they have in concentrating.  While they are not recommended for children because of this, here are some tips for using PSTEC with children:

    • In talking with Mike Wells in the past (PSTEC practitioner who has specialized in working successfully with children, on site, in a school setting), he found that using the CT's with very young ones was difficult and he used more hypnosis and suggestion in addressing the children's issues.

      Be careful about finding a competent hypnotherapist in working with your daughter… be sure they are very experienced in working with children.

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      Long term…

      In this type of work, again once medical causes are addressed, it's about identifying the stressor(s) in her life and helping her to understand how to perceive life … how to shift that perception and, as a parent, you are in a position to help her do that.  In other words, you can help her shift her subconscious Mind Model as it still is developing to one that is more empowering and you do that through your language and talking to her subconscious.

      As a parent, I believe, learning, in depth, Tim's methods of language, can only be beneficial in “mentoring” your daughter and you have an incredible opportunity to do that at her age.  But, you know what?  It's never too late because if you give her Unconditional Love and Kindness in your mentoring… in your language to her sub, she will always be coming to you to help her because you have the opportunity to become the most incredible resource in her life.

      Approach the PSTEC Tutorials and Tools as a therapist or practitioner in two ways:

      1. For yourself … be sure to Click Track (CT) your own personal fears…
        our children take a large majority of their queues from us.  Shift your own MM to be the most empowered one possible and you will see your effect on hers as well.

        Also, be sure to use PSTEC Positive on the beliefs associated with the issue for your daughter.

      2. For her … again, you can be a great resource now and as she grows… take the time.  It's worth it … you're worth it!!  And, of course, your little girl is worth it.  :)
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