Reply To: PSTEC for Complex PTSD

Andy Eckley

    Hi Core, Self help for any type of PTSD is a bit problematical, I would rather it be used after a few sessions with a PSTEC therapist so that the depth of trauma can be judged first.

    For some people self-help will be ok, but I'd want to have done at least a skype/phone session first to judge whether its safe for that person to work on their own, for instance the last C-PTSD client I helped couldn't possibly have safely worked on her own as she had violent reactions when connecting to the memories, which before she met me would have been dangerous for her and maybe put her back into hospital (psychiatric ward). However I've helped clients from other countries around the world who could safely work with the PTSDtoolkit after our introductory calls/work.

    One thing that helps is that anyone who does buy a PTSDToolkit one knows that I am at the end of a phone line at any time to help, plus they get an extensive PDF of instructions showing how to structure the sessions… Andy