Reply To: Click tracking negative beliefs

Jeff Harding
PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

    Hi Dexuki!
    Great illustration of why sometimes we must address the beliefs while we are also working on the emotional issues.

    Let me first answer a couple questions to drive home this point…

    “you should click track the emotions that accompany the beliefs but what do I think about when I click track them?”

    Look for either a memory or an imagined event… if the belief is that you are a bad person, why do you think that way… what's the evidence that you are bad? Take the memories and/or imagined events that come up and CT those.  You never CT a belief or behavior itself.

    “to keep focused on the emotion should I focus on the belief itself? Like keep thinking “I'm a bad person”?”

    Again, never address beliefs with the CT's or EEF's.  And here's another caution…


    You are probably much too general to have an effect on the subconscious.

    One clue from what you wrote… “[color=rgb(68, 68, 68)]I have a huge list of negative beliefs”[/color]
    You can address each one with PP Statements… write them all down; you may have some that are restatements of others so you can probably combine some, but don't be too liberal in combining for time sake at the expense of going too general once again.

    You see, resourceful and successful people are very specific in their self-assessment and know how they would act in almost any situation… specifically.

    You see?

    When we try and change a grand belief from “I'm a bad person” to “I'm a good person”; notice how “fluffy” that is… not well defined.  What does that mean?  If you said, 'I am a good person' to a five year old, what would that mean to them?  They would not be sure and you can count on them defining good just as they did previously… in other words, no change.

    So, try being more specific in two main steps:

    1. Find out what your sub believes to be “bad” … why do you believe you are a bad person?  Use the “Why” question much more to get to the bottom or foundation of your mind model because when you change the foundation, now change occurs more quickly and more permanently.

    Note: Remember, when you CT an emotion, it's not feeling the emotion that's important… you don't actually have to feel it … what's important is TRY HARD to feel the feeling… just keep TRYING to feel it.

    When you do this, let's say, a memory may come up where you hurt someone in the sixth grade and you feel guilty… CT that memory for the emotional part and then, once it's down to 0-1, follow up immediately by starting to be aware of your new perception of yourself and the situation.  Any changed thoughts about it specifically?  Maybe you feel forgiveness for that young person and know that the young person was confused and you want to help let go of the guilt and pain. You can also craft how you would like to perceive that old action and use, again immediately, PP on that.

    Also, as you ask “why” maybe just a thought comes up, such as, “I am bad because ____________.”  Address that specific belief with PP and move in the opposite direction.

    Remember, there are always specific memories and thoughts behind the general ones… behind the conclusions.

    2. As you move past the “bad person” persona, you may just naturally evolve into believing that you are a good person, but you can move that along as well with PP by specifically defining what a “good person” is.

    For example… let's say you wish to have these characteristics of a good person…

    * helpful
    * kind
    * resourceful
    * etc.

    Now, those are also quite general, right?
    So, define them… define them with imagined, specific events and further, specific definition… use your imagination on these and as you define them, state them in the positive and use PP.  You might even have several PP statements to run separately for each characteristic.

    In other words, take the time to craft how you wish to perceive the world!  It's in your hands or it will go to the default… so take control and responsibility for it!

    Note: If you have difficult with a positive statement like, “I love myself unconditionally”; use softeners, such as: “I can…” or “It's possible to… “
