Reply To: tears in my eyes during PSTEC tracks

Jeff Harding
PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

    Aloha zendo… ok, so do you still have that list of memories that you CT'd?
    If you do, take one of them that you CT'd … just focus on that one memory … how does THAT memory feel?  When you do this, imagine only THAT memory exists.  At the moment, you are not paying attention to your overall “fear, shame, guilt, timidity” … just that memory.  Now, TRY HARD to feel the feeling… how does it feel?

    You see, the overall “fear, shame, guilt, timidity” may still be present when you are CT'ing memories and imagined events. So, as individual memories are “detached” from the previous emotional reactions, there is a shift in perception about that memory.  So, assess the feeling and when it's down to 0-1 in the moment, look at that specific memory and look at it with your shift in perception.  What do you think about that memory?  What about the person or people who were involved?  What are your opinions?  Was there a shift in perception?  If it's positive, revel in it!!

    So, 4 points here:

    • When you have an overall way of BEing… say “fear, shame, guilt, timidity”; there may be several memories that contribute to that and you may just have to CT more of them.  Do you have to do all of them?  Usually not, but just be WILLING to CT anything that comes up… be patient and persistent.  It may take a bit longer to “unravel” years of running this mind model.
    • If you have strong emotions during a CT, no problem.  Sometimes, yes, the emotions are strong because they have been suppressed or ignored.  It's can actually be a “good thing” from a progressive perspective because it means you are hitting something important.  But, keep in mind, it's not important to feel the feeling during the CT's.  Many people do, but it's not a part of the instructions.  Tim says, “TRY HARD to feel the feeling.”  Big difference.  Again, persist.
    • Consider addressing beliefs with PSTEC Positive as you do your PSTEC work because this can help speed things up.  It's not usually necessary, but can quicken your progress.
    • Sometimes you must invest a little with a practitioner to help sort it all out because it's difficult to see the forest for the trees.  It does mean you are entering therapy for several years; sometimes it just takes a session or two to get things rolling.  Listen to my latest interview with Gary for a great example.
    • [/list]Malama Pono!