Reply To: Porn Induced ED


    Thanks a lot for the reply, I am really greatful for the fact that you took your time to reply.
    I read your post twice  to make sure I understood but I got to say that the erections are spontaneous. Its not at all consistent. Morning wood is improving. When I text the girls and get a bit intimate, things seem to get rock solid,
    But when I am with the girl and even if shes 10/10 the erection lasts for few seconds, once I wear the condom, it all goes down. Sometimes just hard enough to penitrate for two thrusts.

    What happened to me is an ED caused by watching too much porn over the years.

    Above is the link of Gary Wilson giving an interview about the problems of porn induced ED.
    There seems to be thousands of people like me. Most guys need more than 6 months to reboot. Its a very painful process.
    I understand what you are trying to say but our problems are much deeper than that.
    If you go to sites like you will understand how messed up our life is.

    I have used some similar affirmations  with Basic clicks and level 1 tracks, to help me clear up the fear associated with failure, trust me, it works. These days I don't care what others think.
    I have also used positive affirmation with level1.
    This does not help me with errections with the real girls.

    Had a medical checkup just to make sure I was okay and the doctor says I am more than perfect for my age.

    I hope someone can understand the science behind this and help us with even more precise affirmation or techniques.

    Thanks a lot
