Reply To: unsure when to run the accelerators

Forums Questions on PSTEC Packages PSTEC Accelerators unsure when to run the accelerators Reply To: unsure when to run the accelerators

Peter Bunyan


    Just use the Accelerators as a change or a break from Clicking, anytime, OK?

    Here is an example and suggestion. Insomnia! Create a “positive” statement along the lines of “From now on I can get to sleep quickly and easily every night”, next a “negative” (if you have it) this pretty much the opposite of the positive so, “My anxiety stops me from getting to sleep”. Now run the an eef with that negative thought, then run the Negative track, tearing up the statement at the end as instructed, go straight into the positive you created first, and finish with a relaxational accelerator while imagining always just easily falling asleep every night and waking up refreshed. Takes about an hour for the whole lot, but it worked for me, although I added a few extra refinements of my own. It might leave you feeling tired for a while afterwards, so allow extra recovery time.
