Reply To: "thin-skinned"


    Thank you all for your helpful in-depth replies.

    Jeff I laughed at your silly jokes at the beginning, haha!!

    And thanks Jeff for that note about using negative words in the positive statement.
    That is JUST what I needed to read/learn.  Because yea, I was thinking of things
    like, “what others say does not bother me” because it feels powerful and to the point,
    but thought I shouldn't be using phrases worded that way.

    I also have to confess I haven't been using PSTec at all lately; when I do I tend to go right for PS Positive.  I never even thought of using the CTs on specific situations where someone said or did something that upset me—duh!!!  Absolutely a great idea and a chance to try again w/ the basic CTs because I have had limited success w/ them, mostly due I think to not knowing how to sort out what feelings I'm using them on exactly.

    One thing they've worked great on is if I'm extremely, extremely upset, as in feeling suicidal, they work amazingly well and fast.  It seems like they only work for me if my emotion is very very high.  So this is a chance to try them on some less-intense but annoying and persistant feelings.

    Thanks again all. I will report back if/when I get success or improvement.  :)