Reply To: Are there any (online) videos that demonstrate PSTEC?

Forums Questions on PSTEC Packages Click Track 2015 Are there any (online) videos that demonstrate PSTEC? Reply To: Are there any (online) videos that demonstrate PSTEC?

Peter Bunyan

    Hi John
    I'm not sure what you are looking for. This link to a video I have uploaded for you. It just shows me tapping to a FREE Basic Click Track. As a photo/videographer I must say that watching PSTEC is pretty boring as the real action goes on in the mind. This link  What does a PSTEC Click Track sound like? takes you to a page on my site where you can listen to a track that Tim recorded for me which hopefully allays any fears people might have about starting with PSTEC.
    Do these answer your questions? If not please ask again. It would help us if you could be a little more specific.