Reply To: Clarification: switch over the tapping from the left and right?

Forums Questions on PSTEC Packages Click Track 2015 Clarification: switch over the tapping from the left and right? Reply To: Clarification: switch over the tapping from the left and right?

Brian Tucker

    Hi all,

    Would appreciate some clarification on the instruction:
    When hearing “switch over the tapping from the left and right…”

    Does it mean:
    1) click – right hand, placed over right leg
        tap  – left hand, placed over left leg
        after switch signal:
        click – right hand, placed over left leg
        tap  – left hand, placed over right leg
        1.1) In this crossed position until I hear the switch signal again?
        1.2) In this crossed position only for the duration of the switch signal?
              Immediately putting right hand over right leg, left hand over left leg afterwards

    2) click – right hand, placed over right leg
        tap  – left hand, placed over left leg
        after switch signal:
        tap – right hand, placed over right leg
        click – left hand, placed over left leg

        Then do this until next switch signal…

    Thank you!
