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Tomas Zobal

    The PSTEC emotional clicktracks (free basic, EEF, 2015) can work near miracles when used with a future imagined event. So to use them in the context of Reality Transurfings you would think abut what you want and then imagine the worst-case extreme things that could (or could not) happen. I like to use thoughts like it will not happen, it's impossible, will never change, it's a disaster, complete failure, will not succeed etc. as bad as it possibly can get. Then clicktrack these worst case scenarios until you no longer have any feelings around it.

    After clicktracking, some people say “oh i can feel it a little if I try.” NO. The result you are after is to not feel it at all. It should not have any feeling and not be in your reality. If you can still feel it, keep going until you can't. Be honest with yourself! After you have done this, you will no longer have any worry, doubt, anxiety or fear about it because the worst case imagined outcome no longer exists, therefore the fear goes away. It will be unimportant.

    Brian, what if you CT a future imagined event, get it down to 0, but then a few days later (or even the very next day), you feel it again? Do you stay exclusively with that particular imagined future event and keep click tracking it even if it takes a few days or weeks? During that time, do you click track other past or future imagined event or is it better to just focus on one event at a time?