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Paul McCabe
PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

    Hi all,

    PSTEC just works and, as you chip away the proverbial block, things will get easier.

    It can prove very beneficial to spot the patterns you are running – both emotional and behavioural.

    If an imagined future outcome that you have CTed seems to come back as emotionally intense, you can try to CT “in the moment” (or close to it) and identify and eliminate any beliefs that may be feeding into the pattern.

    A rating is only a 0, if you feel no emotion at all and NO fear of it coming back.

    A belief like “Change doesn't last” could also be eliminated.

    The advantage of working with a PSTEC therapist or practitioner is that, as with a good friend, we can spot some of the patterns more readily. They are just patterns. We all have them.

    We all tend to have “blind spots” and so, in my experience, it can be easier to recognise patterns in others than in ourselves. This is because we have a tendency to engage in what I call the “three Rs”: repress, rationalise and re-imagine.

    These are, in effect, a survival mechanism. It can be painful to “go there”, so many of us run from the problem and engage in all sorts of distraction and denial tactics.

    For self-help, you can achieve amazing results with PSTEC. It can be useful to take a backward step and see if you can spot your patterns: “anger when I don't get what I want”, “fear when being criticised” etc.

    Become a “pattern detective” and…go easy on yourself!

    See if you can trace back the historical origin – run the Accelerator tracks ( to aid in this pursuit.

    With PSTEC at your disposal, there really is a solution for every emotional or behavioural issue: try it on everything. As mentioned before, the only limitation seems to be “how deep do you WANT to go with PSTEC?” In other words, a certain amount of user choice is required.


    Paul McCabe – PSTEC Master Practitioner

    Please contact me anytime if you want any assistance in utilising PSTEC to help you live a life of tremendous freedom & possibility.

    Recreate yourself with PSTEC.

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