Reply To: We Live In the Light of Reflected Action – Freedom from Being Stuck in Life

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Brian Tucker


    When I would travel for work I would always be expected to go no frills. There would be little travel budget. Sometimes I would not have a car. I always felt as if though I was stuck when I went to these places. No ability to do anything else while  I was there.

    All the feelings went back to:

    When I was a kid I was not allowed to stay in the house during vacations. I would always have to go with my dad to work one hour a way on winter and summer break every day. He worked in a school so I would go to the school with him while he worked. While I was there I felt isolated, had to find things to do, no car, he would give me a few dollars sometimes to go for lunch.

    I resented this heavily.

    No coincidence once it was gone this stopped happening in my life.