Reply To: Removing all resentment and getting back together with a person?

Forums General Discussions and Specific Issues Relationships and Rejection Removing all resentment and getting back together with a person? Reply To: Removing all resentment and getting back together with a person?

Brian Tucker

    Hi Brian.. thanks.

    My parents are not divorced… but my mum was pretty strict and did not like me getting to hang out with girls… I also have not been very successful with ladies… I have no issues getting close to them but I always have this fear that there will be another person who they will get attracted to and leave me for… and these fears have always played out in reality

    I have now reached a stage where I don't want to go thru this cycle over and over again… finding a new person will eventually lead to same outcome… hence I wanna get over all the pain and anger… get rid of negative beliefs… put some positive beliefs in place… so that I can try with her again in the best mindset or atleast I'm equipped for the next girl who comes aling

    Ok CT that worry (fear) that they will leave you for someone better and then PSTEC neg the belief “Others always leave me for someone else” and “women will leave me for someone better”

    In a simple summary…

    What you have going on with that issue in particular is that you have a low self-worth and have fears of being compared, rejected, and abandoned because of that. You can resolve all of that.

    That betrayal and resentment is what is causing you to recreate it over and over again. Go back to the first time that ever happened in your life and CT it to break the cycle.