Reply To: Chronic dizziness-medically no answer

Brian Tucker

    Thank you so much for replying! Yes I am so confused by all my issues and symptoms  that it’s hard to know where to start. I can actually pinpoint a few dizzy episodes to when I was pregnant with my son three years prior to it becoming chronic. I have the PSTEC level 1 and the accelerator programs.

    Clearingman gave perfect advice on the long relaxing accelerator.

    1.) Clicktrack back as far as you can to the earliest dizziest episodes. – get it to a 1 or 0
    2.) Clicktrack any stress, trauma etc on any pregnancy or birthing experiences or any major events that happened during those experiences. If this was not your first child, go back and CT the first one and any previous children and the birthing/labor process. – get it to a 1 or 0
    3.) Tim and other practitioners have suggested that if someone has experienced any miscarriages or abortions in their life – female or male – to clicktrack these to a 1 or 0.

    if any flashes of faces/experiences from the past come up while CT, write it down and CT it immediately next.