Reply To: Beliefs and Dogma

Forums Questions on PSTEC Packages Belief Blasters Beliefs and Dogma Reply To: Beliefs and Dogma

Brian Tucker

    I've realized thru trial and error and also support from people on this forum such as Brian and Paul that belief structures have a dogmatic element that assumes completition.

    So it is useful to do BBs adding dogma to it.

    Words such as:

    – Everything
    – Nothing
    – Everyone
    – Always
    – Never
    – Everybody
    – Nobody

    this helps to clean beliefs faster.

    Great post! The same can be said for PQT e.g.

    I absolutely love everyone now I'm really easy going now
    I can stop worrying about money now everything's totally ok now
    I can completely relax now about everything in my life now
    I feel really good now about everything in my life now
    Nothing really bothers me anymore now I always feel great now
    I used to worry about everything now it's all good now
    I always feel wonderful now I never worry anymore now
    I'm certain everything in the future will be absolutely fine now
