Reply To: Fear of Failure – Fear of NOT being able to achieve – Failure Belief

Forums General Discussions and Specific Issues Confused and Not Sure Where to Start Fear of Failure – Fear of NOT being able to achieve – Failure Belief Reply To: Fear of Failure – Fear of NOT being able to achieve – Failure Belief

Paul McCabe
PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

    Hi Paul,

    thank you very much for your answer.

    I really appreciate your guidance.

    I particularly appreciated the fact you provided me with specific statements. There's a few that hit me quite painfully. So, I guess you went right to the core issue!

    So, I'm going to buy both products and I'll start working on those.  :)

    I have one more question for you, if I may ask.

    I saw “How to Achieve Almost Anything – The Easy Way” and I was wondering if this product too could help me with my goals. I liked the fact it's a tutorial that provides you with even more information about the tools and how to use them.

    Would you recommend that to me, as well, giving my situation?

    Thanks a lot, Paul. I truly appreciate your help.

    Hi Tarmicle,

    You're very welcome.

    Please let us know how you get on.

    I do recommend “How to Achieve Almost Anything – The Easy Way”, as it contains a lot of brilliant information.

    However, it is probably more vital that you start with the work – clearing the unwanted emotions and beliefs.

    Once you do, the package you referenced and the following Free Tracks will also help:

    – Embracing Change (
    – You are Amazing! (
    – Mindfulness with PSTEC (
    – How to Never Fail (

    Hope this helps.

    Kind Regards,

    Paul  :)

    Paul McCabe – PSTEC Master Practitioner

    Please contact me anytime if you want any assistance in utilising PSTEC to help you live a life of tremendous freedom & possibility.

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