Reply To: Wording of Belief Blaster

Forums Questions on PSTEC Packages Belief Blasters Wording of Belief Blaster Reply To: Wording of Belief Blaster

Brian Tucker

    Further to Paul's recommendations –

    You can blast the belief “I will go crazy” in past tense “I would have gone crazy”

    Also look into

    I will lose my mind
    I'm not normal
    There is something wrong with me
    I can't control my thoughts/mind
    My mind is out of control

    You can back it up with PQT:

    Thinking I was contaminated made no sense because I'm clean
    I will be completely safe with everything from now on
    There is absolutely nothing wrong with me because I'm completely normal
    I will not lose my mind now because I'm completely sensible
    I will not go crazy now because I'm completely sane
    I will be in complete control of my thoughts from now on
    I now realize it was silly to think I would go crazy
    I now realize it was ridiculous to think I was losing it