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Brian Tucker

    The other example is  “i can’t/unable/won’t be able to etc______________(move forward, succeed, do anything, function, go anywhere, focus, make progress etc) when I feel (upset, angry, sad etc.)” or even “when I feel this way” and then feel whatever feelings they are and so… “Because I can’t _________ (move forward, succeed, do anything, function, go anywhere etc) I feel (upset, angry, sad etc.)” often times upset, anger and grief can simply be the reinforcing emotion.


    Essentially you are making self sabotaging excuses based on your emotional condition.


    I have someone I work with who says to me “I have to be really careful of the way I feel and exercise or I won’t have a high energy level and won’t get anything done and be productive.”

    “There are days I have to force myself and push through things that I don’t want to do because I am not as young and energetic as I used to be and don’t have the drive or inspiration that I used to but I know I need to do it”

    This is 100% a mind model loop he is locked into.