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  • #21507
    PSTEC User

      Hello everybody,

      I am 19 years old and i have erythrofobia (fear of blushing).
      It started about 5 years ago when i was in secundairy school.
      I don't really know which memorie caused this fobia.
      I am actually a very social guy, so its very weird this happened to me.

      One thing I know for sure is that I want to get rid of it!
      I just want to live a normal life without the fobia!
      It made me very insecure..

      Fear of blushing has influenced a part of my life.
      It begins with thinking: 'oh no, don't go blushing' and then i get a red face!
      Its a never ending cycle of blushing and fear of blushing.

      And if erythrofobia wasn't enough to deal with, I started having fear of sweating about two weeks now! It's driving me crazy!

      I don't want to care so much about what other people think of me!

      So I started to look on the internet for solutions and i found pstec. It sounded very good and the reviews were promising. I downloaded the free clicktracks with tutorial but know i have a problem…

      I just can't recall the memories and the emotions of the situations when erythrofobia is occuring!!

      I hope you can help me!



      PSTEC User

        [color=rgb(42, 42, 42)]Hi JS,
        With the amount of people having this problem I will go all out and say that it’s the most common issue here on this PSTEC forum (been in contact with at least 7 users on here personally with the same problem about blushing)
        I too still have this problem to a certain degree and have came to know an incredible amount about why and how we blush through speaking with various professionals and reading articles. When I am talking about blushing I am talking with regards to embarrassment not flushing eg. In the gym lifting a heavy weight also causes your face to go red etc
        I think after much research the issue of blushing (by which I mean when you think it’s becoming a phobia/out of control) is governed by 3 main points:
        1. Caring too much of what other people think – (to do with where your values at at) where you believe you will be judged negatively or criticized by others because of your blushing reaction (maybe evidence from past experience) this then may lead to a deeper belief connected with where you think you need others acceptance, also to do with your opinions of how YOU see blushing (likely negative) as you in turn believe that others see you in the same light. These are wrongfully installed beliefs
        2. Resistance to accept blushing- because you cannot consciously control it and it can often bring negative/unwanted attention. It’s the resistance that can fuel the blushing which in turns brings round the loop like emotions again, 9/10 people who have this problem of course don’t like it happening so they naturally resist! Hence they can never stop it this way so it is never ending.
        3. Fear of blushing – the symptoms eg. Fight or flight response, sweating etc . Worry/anxiety alone about being scared of blushing in a situation can in turn bring the exact same emotion that brings the reaction in the first place. You’re basically calling on it to act and perform.
        From my exp. in all the people I have spoken with the 3 above are what is at route in the blushing “continuous loop” as it just goes round and round
        I think to answer your question simply go out and note down situations that make you go red, if you’re still thinking that you now can’t think of any examples this is a diversion/resistance tactic for change from the inner mind IMO
        You can also use PP to change your personal beliefs about blushing and how you value how others see you.
        Ps. I would really like to talk to Tim if he reads this as after studying the tutorial I don’t recall him ever speaking of actually accepting blushing, because surely if you completely “let go” change your attitude and accept that you blush there will be no resistance and then no fear because these 2 factors are at the heart of when blushing becomes a real issue for people. Also in the tutorial it just comes across as blushing is this horrible emotion that were set out to clear, so would be great if Tim could reply
        Ps 2. It would be fantastic if Jeff or Tim could do an additional tutorial for this issue because 6 out of the 7 people I had spoken with on here downloaded the blushing tutorial of the website and still had the problem after… So be awesome to hear/learn more from what they can say.
        Also Peter Bunyan on here is currently working on “magic sentences for blushing” so keep a look out for that!
        [color=rgb(42, 42, 42)]
        Hope this helps! Feel free to PM me if I can be of any more assistance,
        [/color]thanks again, over and out!
        [color=rgb(42, 42, 42)]

        PSTEC User

          You can use pstec on imagined events as well as actual memories. An imagined event is basically a generated memory, so it has the same effect. So imagine yourself in a situation where you would blush and that should generate the emotion to click on. So think of going into a social situation and then thinking: 'oh no, don't go blushing' and grab onto the emotion you feel.

          You can click on negative emotions of trepidation of going to a social situation, negative emotions of being in the social situation and blushing, and also the negative emotions of embarassment after blushing in front of other people.

          You can also make it extreme, imagine a worst case scenario where you blush big time and lots of people point and laugh and really look down on you and click track that.

          Jeff Harding
          PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

            All wonderful responses Kay and Oz… mahalo nui!

            Let me offer some additional insights…

            • Coming Soon – Ah, first of all, coming soon, in the next couple weeks… I interviewed a lovely lady from Slovenia who initially dealt with her blushing issue very successfully using the Click Tracks… she talks about how she approached this issue … stay tuned!

            • Blushing is Not About Blushing – First, let's step back a bit… literally … because one of the issues with blushing is that when someone fears it, abhors it, etc.; then it becomes a “fight” or a willful exercise against blushing; and blushing is not the problem, it's a reaction.  Treating the reaction (or the symptom) will almost always be temporary.

              Recommendation: The PSTEC for Blushing tutorial from Tim is quite detailed on this aspect… be sure to listen in on that tutorial in much detail… take notes.  It is not long because the “blushing issue” is simple and it comes down to fundamentals about clearing anything that has an element of fear.

              Kay, you mentioned, “after studying the tutorial I don’t recall him ever speaking of actually accepting blushing”; I'm not sure what you mean there and it's not important, per se, but there is not an advocacy of “accepting” blushing, but there is a movement in the direction of not being “bothered” by blushing which can clear the way to shift your Mind Model in the direction of not “needing” to blush as a reaction.

              Ah, but we do “use” the blushing as a source of clues to the true source of this interesting reaction.

              Nana I Ke Kumu (Look to the source)… we want to get to the cause and that will involve changing your mind … changing your Mind Model (MM) … changing how you view the world, not just about blushing, but about the world in general or at least in certain aspects.

            • I Can't Find THE Memory – Don't look for ONE particular memory that would be the cause.  When I say “cause,” it's usually a group or series of emotional experiences and also beliefs that are accumulated over some time.

              So, be patient as your subconscious mind sorts through your conscious intention and present to you the relevant memories and thoughts that you need to shift in order to transcend this issue.

              You DO know what the cause is… you do have access to the memories.  Be careful about putting much stock in thoughts about “Not being able to remember memories.”  Use the PSTEC Tools properly and you will be able to recall more and more.

              It's just that each of us has a different ability to access it… some suppress more earnestly (subconsciously) than others.  Ah, but also, feel confident in knowing that you can improve on your skill of listening to your subconscious… you just have to put the effort and intention into it like you would in being earnest in listening to another human being.

              As JS mentioned, “It started about 5 years ago when i was in secundairy school.”

              Ok, JS; there's obviously a memory recall right there about something that happened 5 years ago… even if it's just a blushing memory… that's useful… maika'i (excellent)!!

              Ok, that's a great place to start and begin listening to your subconscious (sub) mind in terms of what happened around or prior to that time that gives you the same feeling.

              You don't need a ton of memories to work on, just begin with that one.  Or, as in Oz's example in this thread, begin with an imagined, future event.  Take the worst case scenario… blushing in front of a large crowd … how does that feel?

              Now, as Oz said, you can take that imagined event and the feeling to the Click Track … or use the Accelerator Tapping Track (ATT) to help you recall other memories that may be necessary to neutralize … and as you do that, let your sub present to you other memories that are related… it will in most cases.

              When you recall another memory… jot it down.  CT those as well.

              Note:  If you feel up to it; another imagined event I use quite often is the fear of failure.  So, imagine NEVER getting over this issue… what does that look like to you?  How does it feel?  Take that to the CT.

              Now, you are not trying to accept blushing by doing this, but you are addressing the fearful reaction to blushing.  You are also prompting the sub to reveal more and more about your current MM that produces these reactions.

              Recommendation: Use of the Accelerators if you are having difficulty in recalling memories, will always produce some results.  Give it some time depending upon the level of your mind's suppression of memories, feelings and thoughts.

            • I Just Want to Hide – Remember, this is not about blushing; it's about being embarrassed, or pressured, or put into the limelight.  And, all of those States of Being involve not being worthy… not being good enough.  All this has to do with (pardon me) giving a damn what others think about you.

              This is an important aspect.

              Be aware of your conclusions in your MM that are absolutely “dripping” with unworthiness and insecurities because, you know what?  Those are errors in thinking because you are worthy… worthy to walk the world in absolute and utter J.E.E.P…. always!  It's just that somewhere along the way, you began to believe that you don't… that you are not worthy.  Trust me… it's a lie!  And, it's time to drop that error… drop your belief in that lie. :D

              This discovery trail will lead you to memories that you may feel are not related to blushing, but do not fall for that ruse … when a memory comes up… no matter what it is… and it does not feel JEEP … then CT it!

              Be diligent… be ruthless … make it your Life's work… to clear and clean ANYTHING that is not JEEP.  Be done with it!!!  ALL of it!

              Recommendation: Note some of the ideas from Kay about various aspects about embarrassment, fears, etc.  Just take those topics and be specific by asking yourself about what evidence you have in your life that is about embarrassment.  Ask your mind to reveal the memories and thoughts.

            • But I'm not sure if I can stop this… not sure if PSTEC can work – There are 3 aspects of your MM to change: emotions, beliefs and behaviors.

              PSTEC Positive (PP), as Kay pointed out, will address the beliefs and it's can be very, very helpful to use this not in terms of address blushing directly, but addressing your belief that you WILL find the source of the issue and you will transcend this.

              Recommendation: Again, in the Blushing Tutorial you will find some PSTEC Positive Statements to use with PP.  Use those statements and PP very liberally as Tim instructs.

            • I use the CT, but I'm still blushing, so it's not working – Here is where your sub is trying to tell you that there is proof to stay as you are because, you know what, the sub resists change.

              You have to take the role of mentor and trainer of the sub in Higher States of Being… of a Higher Consciousness…. as High as you wish!  ;D

              If you listen to the Interview I did with Meghan a couple years ago… jeez, time flies … she was not dealing with blushing but with social anxiety.  First time with the CT's did not clear it all up.  But, when she ventured out, she still felt the anxiety, so she went back to the CT's and did more.  She listened intently to what was coming up and continued to CT.

              Dismiss discouragement… you can even CT that.  As I mentioned above, imagine not getting over it, what do you feel?  CT it!

              You not truly addressing a phobia here… that's not what this is about… this is not about blushing, but about shifting what brings on the blushing.

              You ARE addressing the fears and limited conclusions within your MM and some are a bit “deep”… meaning they are suppressed because you “value” them as the best way to go… you resist letting them go… or your sub does.

              When someone does not believe something will work, they tend to sabotage themselves… tend to not FULLY follow the directions … tend to not immerse themselves fully because they are already looking for something else that will work.

              Most private sessions I hold with individuals reveals many errors in how they are proceeding with PSTEC and/or they are missing the clues the sub is presenting to them.  This is merely an issue of being “too close to the problem.”

              Immerse yourself in shifting your MM… releasing all the fears … shifting your beliefs from the limited thoughts to thoughts of unlimited possibilities.

              Use your conscious mind to stay the course… mentor your sub UNCONDITIONALLY and with kindness and Unconditional Love.  That's right, you have to exhibit Unconditional Love for Self.

              Yes, yes… you are worthy.

            • [/list]
              Recommendation: Ultimately, if you are stuck,  consider having a session or two, at least, with a practitioner who may be able to guide you along beyond the stuckness … get you over the hump.

              You may need some guidance from someone to “see” through the errors in thinking … to help you see the Truth about yourself.

              Remember, you ARE worthy!

              Aloha nui loa!


            PSTEC User

              Hi everybody,

              First I want to thank everybody for their reaction.

              “Caring too much of what other people think – (to do with where your values at at) where you believe you will be judged negatively or criticized by others because of your blushing reaction (maybe evidence from past experience) this then may lead to a deeper belief connected with where you think you need others acceptance, also to do with your opinions of how YOU see blushing (likely negative) as you in turn believe that others see you in the same light.” (K77)

              Kay, I think you have a point here! I always think about how other people judge me. And often I think they have a negative opinion about me before I even met them. In almost any case they have a positive opinion about me!  :)

              “You can use pstec on imagined events as well as actual memories. An imagined event is basically a generated memory, so it has the same effect. So imagine yourself in a situation where you would blush and that should generate the emotion to click on.” “You can also make it extreme, imagine a worst case scenario where you blush big time and lots of people point and laugh and really look down on you and click track that.” (Oz)

              Oz, I think it’s a good method to imagine a “worst-case scenario” so that the negative emotions are very strong. Then you could neutralize the negative feelings.

              Somehow my subconscious is blocking the emotions that I get when I am in a certain situation. I remember the situation but I don’t feel the negative emotions. Maybe I have to try it several times before my subconscious will slowly let the negative emotions come up.

              So I think I will hang on to what Jeff is saying here:  “It’s just that each of us has a different ability to access it… some it suppress more earnestly (subconsciously) than others. Ah, but also, feel confident in knowing that you can improve on your skill of listening to your subconscious… you just have to put the effort and intention into it like you would in being earnest in listening to another human being.”

              I just read Jeff’s reaction again and he said: “Recommendation: Note some of the ideas from Kay about various aspects about embarrassment, fears, etc.  Just take those topics and be specific by asking yourself about what evidence you have in your life that is about embarrassment.  Ask your mind to reveal the memories and thoughts.”

              I haven’t thought about asking my subconscious questions… I think that would certainly help to force the subconscious to let the negative feelings go.

              I tried the pstec click tracks a few times, I tried some deep relaxation music with positive affirmations and I tried a few tracks that help you to love yourself. I got some tracks from youtube.

              I think they are a strong tool together. Like Jeff said we are worthy and its good to emphasize that using a track. The track with positive affirmations could resemble a little with pstec positive I think? Correct me if I am wrong.

              I just noticed that I didn’t blushed so often and less severe!!  :)
              I think it’s still there but I will slowly go away…

              But know I have fear of sweating.. VERY ANOYING!!  :(

              I read that erythrofobia (fear of blushing) can switch to fear of sweating very easy. Could it be a tactic of the subconscious to flee? What do you guys think about that?

              Is this also curable by using PSTEC?

              Thanks again for your reactions!!

              Over and out,


              Jeff Harding
              PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

                Aloha JS… you're always welcome!

                Maikia'i … Excellent  … keep up the good work… er … play!  :)

                You have several “ah'hah's” expressed in this thread and gaining some intellectual idea of how to proceed is very, very helpful.  Ah, but it's not about knowledge, it's about results… about the experience.

                So, take these ideas and just plug away… put your head down and be a CT/Clearing  Fiend and a PSTEC Positive Pro.  Keep it simple and keep up the consistency and you will see even more and more results.

                • Communication with your sub is communication with Self.  So, as you undertake discovery of more clear communication with your Self, be kind… don't force it … just listen more.
                • [/list]

                • [color=rgb(42, 56, 71)]The track with positive affirmations could resemble a little with pstec positive I think?
                  [/color]I have not experienced anything in the area of affirmations alone that can touch the effectiveness of the PSTEC Positive (PP) Tracks.  There is quite a bit going on in Tim's Tracks so if you enjoy the positive affirmations, take those “crafted” affirmations and apply them using PP and you find yourself turbo charging your affirmations.
                • I read that erythrofobia (fear of blushing) can switch to fear of sweating very easy. Could it be a tactic of the subconscious to flee?
                  If you are addressing blushing directly, yes, it could.  Tim is quite clear on this in the Blushing Tutorial.  Nana I Ke Kumu… Look to the source … of the blushing; not at the blushing directly.  Just “use” blushing as the clue to what the source is… follow them like breadcrumbs to the source to you can heal that.  Also, use the blushing as a gage of how you are moving along.  You noticed that the blushing is less, but you also know there is still some aspect of the Mind Model of a blusher that is still there.  That's ok, just continue what you are doing… it will come up and when it does, you know what to do with it, yeah?!

                  So, yes, when we go after the symptom, the mind can produce other symptoms.

                • [color=rgb(42, 56, 71)]fear of sweating …[/color]Is this also curable by using PSTEC?
                  Yes, of course… if the blushing is clearing, something is working.  Take those learned skills of clearing and shifting your Mind Model and apply them here as well.  The fundamentals of PSTEC do not vary much from issue to issue.  There are some advanced and more artful application strategies, but, even those, include the fundamentals of we have talked about in this thread.
                • [/list]Malama Pono, my good friend!!


                PSTEC User

                  Somehow my subconscious is blocking the emotions that I get when I am in a certain situation. I remember the situation but I don’t feel the negative emotions. Maybe I have to try it several times before my subconscious will slowly let the negative emotions come up.

                  When using the click tracks it's not necessary to feel the emotion. You just need to TRY to feel the emotion. Also when using the tracks you don't just focus on the emotion, you also can focus on the memory and in doing so the memory begins to get scrambled by the click track. Since memories and emotions are linked, in scrambling the memory you also weaken the emotion.

                  PSTEC User

                    Hi All,

                    Did JS ever resolve the blushing problem? I too have the same problem and havent been able to overcome it yet.

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