Fear of Everything

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  • #21602
    PSTEC User

      Recently I've started to have a fear of nothing but bad things that are going to happen to me.  I'll be stuck where I live, I'll never get a house, I'll be fired from my job, I won't have any money to take care of me and my pets.  It is just overwhelming me now.

      I've been using the free tracks, the Level 1, the accelerators, the positive tracks and they did work.  I haven't done them lately and I am wondering is there something
      I can do to get rid of fear?  Generalized fear and anxiety.

      Do I have to take each issues one at a time?    I don't understand why all of a sudden I just feel like I am going to fail, fail, fail and everything is collapsing around me.

      Jeff Harding
      PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

        Hey “Love”… Those statements that you expressed in your first paragraph are beliefs so begin there:

        • Bad things that are going to happen to me
        • I'll be stuck where I live
        • I'll never get a house
        • I'll be fired from my job
        • I won't have any money to take care of me and my pets.
        • [/list]Those would be best addressed using PSTEC Positive.  So, you would take each one, craft one or more PP Statements that “move” in the opposite direction of each belief.  For example:

          For “Bad things that are going to happen to me”; you could craft something like this:

          “When great opportunities cross my path I am aware and ready to consider them”

          Now, keep in mind, I do not know your overall desires, so that may need to be tweaked, but study Tim's tutorials, especially PSTEC Positive Secrets and see several suggestions built in this example and (my opinion) PSTEC Positive Secrets is an essential once you have used Level 1 for both emotions and  beliefs with PP.  Become excellent at shifting beliefs and behaviors with PP and you will find an incredible world open up to you!

          Now, as you do this, emotions may arise again… that's great!!  :D Just CT them!!

          Another way to expand on that is to delve a little more deeply to find the cause of those beliefs… for example, take the same one:

          For “Bad things that are going to happen to me”; ask yourself:

          [font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Why do I feel that bad things will happen to me?[/font]
          [font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]When have bad things happened to me in the past?[/font]
          [font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]When was the worst bad thing that happened to me?
          When was the first time a bad thing happened to me?[/font]

          [font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]So, begin to ask question like this to delve a bit more deeply for the cause of that belief… of that conclusion.[/font]


        PSTEC User

          Thank you for responding Jeff.  Do I understand this correctly?  I take the negative belief, turn it around into a positive statement and do the pp track.  Then if some other negative emotion comes up while doing pp I should use one of the other click tracks to remove that?  Or do I take just continue with pp and take that negative belief and turn it around with pp?

          I will work on this with the positive tracks.  These issues just started cropping up in the past week.  I don't know why but I do know that bad things have happened to me in the past so my mindset is “then they will probably happen again because that is the theme of your life, that is who you are, that is your fate.”

          I want to change that “theme”.

          I want to get unstuck and start moving forward in my life.

          Jeff Harding
          PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

            “[color=rgb(68, 68, 68)]I take the negative belief, turn it around into a positive statement and do the pp track.”[/color]
            You're close… you take the negative belief and craft a statement either in the “opposite direction” or in the direction you desire to be more specific.

            [color=rgb(68, 68, 68)]Then if some other negative emotion comes up while doing pp I should use one of the other click tracks to remove that?  Or do I take just continue with pp and take that negative belief and turn it around with pp?”
            Yes, let's say you run your new PP Statement and you suddenly feel angry about something someone said to you in the past.  You would then shift from the PP tracks to either CT's, EEF's or Accelerator Tapping Tracks (ATT), focus in on that memory, TRY HARD to feel the feeling and run it.  Then, when the feelings are down to 0-1, you could switch back to the PP tracks and your PP Statement you were working on.

            I don't know why but I do know that bad things have happened to me in the past so my mindset is “then they will probably happen again because that is the theme of your life, that is who you are, that is your fate.”
            There are some of your clues … “bad things happened in the past” … make a list of the worst things that have happened and then see how you feel about them and if they have any negative feeling above 0, use the CT on them… one at a time.  Then, also use PP Positive with any limiting beliefs you identify.

            Remember, there are 3 aspcts of your mind model to address when making shifts:

            • Emotions
            • Beliefs
            • Behaviors
            • [/list]Become excellent at identifying the difference and you will find your work moving along more quickly.


            PSTEC User

              good thread.  Makes me ask this question I had when I was looking at the products.

              Why does PSTec Positive Secrets cost extra?  ($47 extra too, not cheap)  I would think that how to use PSTec Positive would be included when you buy that package! I bought Level 1 and now feel like I sort of got “ripped off' if it doesn't really explain how to use it enough so that I'm supposed to buy yet another package (Secrets).

              Is it pretty much ineffective w/out buying the Secrets?  And if so, why offer it?  I'm a bit irritated by this.  Any explanation to help would be appreciated.

              Thank you!!! : )

              Jeff Harding
              PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

                Included with Level 1 is the nearly 1 hour tutorial “Success with PSTEC and PSTEC Positive” and then the specific process of PSTEC Positive (PP) is included toward the end of that tutorial.  Quite a bit there already.

                Is it pretty much ineffective w/out buying the Secrets?
                No, not at all.  With that initial tutorial (and especially with the 1 hour therapist tutorial with Level 1), you can go a long way and may find you don't need or want anything else.  In fact, when I first started using PP, I did not have PP Secrets and they worked wonderfully for my clients and myself as well!

                The idea of PSTEC Positive Secrets was to expose more methods, techniques and strategies to become even more effective with PP.  But, if someone had the basic tutorial and then also PP Secrets all at once, most would probably fail because it would be too much at once.

                So, it's about doling it out at various increments depending upon the individual and also creating a “module” type of structure so that if you are limited in funds, you can always work your way through or even skip some depending upon your desires and goals.

                Why does PSTec Positive Secrets cost extra?  ($47 extra too, not cheap)
                You can perceive things in this type of light, but then you will resist investing in your future expansion, abundance, joy and peace.
                Can you do it without it?  As I said above; Of course!

                Another perception is that investing a small amount like $47 could mean the difference between success or not or at least the timeframe of you finding the freedom your yearn for.

                I can easily recall many, many people that have doubled and tripled what they create because they have shifted their mind model … or, they have allowed true peace and joy in life through their personal relationships with others and themselves … or, they have allowed wonderful health in their life because they invested the time and money to discover their Truth.  Can you truly put a price on that?  When you look at your potential when you Truly become free, does a little $47 really seem “not cheap?”  Or, is it a drop in the bucket compare to what it can help you create and produce?

                As var as value, yes, it's in the eye of the beholder; but, in truth, Tim has put together tutorials, tools and perceptions that go far beyond (especially in their practicality) other methods or techniques… it's about results to him.  He has basically dedicated his life to this and keeps most of the tools and tutorials at very low prices and also gives away quite a bit, including the Basic Package with the Click Tracks… always free and always will be.

                And, speaking of the Click Tracks … if you are irritated still, pull out your CT's and give it a whirl and see how your perception changes.  ;)

                Best to make judgments and decisions when you are feeling more JEEP!


                PSTEC User

                  Thanks Jeff but I was simply asking what PSTec secrets is and why it's not included w/ Positive.  Since it seemed (before you explained it) to be basically a set of instructions, I didn't see why instructions would cost $47 which yes, is a lot if it's just instructions that i felt should be included w/ Positive (in any package).

                  I understand better about what it is, etc now. Thanks.

                  I don't need to be told the value of Tim's products, that is NOT MY POINT nor was it my question. I wanted more clarification as to what the $47 would buy.

                  I'm not a cheap stingy person.  But I am a careful shopper.

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