How many sessions per belief?

Forums Questions on PSTEC Packages PSTEC Positive Quantum Turbo How many sessions per belief?

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  • #22081
    Andres Leon
    PSTEC User

      Hi, good morning!

      I just wanted to ask, how many plays of the Positive quantum tracks should be done per belief, for optimal results?
      I have done twice with one belief and it feels very very good, I dont know if it is installed in my mind but I feel relaxed and as if I was in a trance, so to speak. So it seems to be working.

      Also, I would like some help with formulating a statement for my music related goals.
      I basically feel that I do not know enough in terms of mixing, production, composition and arrangement to create the music I want to make and it feels to me that, even though I do study and practice daily, I am always lost and always without a clue when it comes to making this type of music. I feel like there is something they know that I dont and that I dont seem to be able to grasp.

      Thanks, if anyone needs more info on this, I can provide that if it seems too abstract.

      Brian Tucker
      PSTEC User

        Hi, good morning!

        I just wanted to ask, how many plays of the Positive quantum tracks should be done per belief, for optimal results?
        I have done twice with one belief and it feels very very good, I dont know if it is installed in my mind but I feel relaxed and as if I was in a trance, so to speak. So it seems to be working.

        Also, I would like some help with formulating a statement for my music related goals.
        I basically feel that I do not know enough in terms of mixing, production, composition and arrangement to create the music I want to make and it feels to me that, even though I do study and practice daily, I am always lost and always without a clue when it comes to making this type of music. I feel like there is something they know that I dont and that I dont seem to be able to grasp.

        Thanks, if anyone needs more info on this, I can provide that if it seems too abstract.

        It seems that you have stated. First it would be a good idea to blast the following beliefs using belief blasters.

        I couldn't understand the world —> I couldn't have understood the world

        I'm confused —> I had been confused
        I'm lost —> I had been lost
        I'm clueless —> I had been clueless
        I don't understand —> I didn't understand
        I don't know enough —> I didn't know enough
        I'm not creative —> I hadn't been creative

        Might also add:

        I'm stupid —> I had been stupid
        I'm dumb —> I had been dumb

        Clear these out of the way and see how you think/feel.

        There could be a long list of reasons why you are “stuck” which is a very broad term.

        Without getting into “stuck”you could install a few PQT…

        It's easy to make music now I'm creative now
        If others can make music now I can too now
        I know just as much as anyone else now I'm smart now
        I know everything I need to succeed now I'm knowledgeable now
        Producing music is a breeze now I'm natural now
        The best part about making music is learning now
        Learning to produce is fun now even when I make mistakes now
        I produce music fast and easy now it's exciting now

        Brian Tucker
        PSTEC User

          One play of quantum turbo should do the job though you may have some deeper programming that gets in the way…mistakes, perfection, fear of success, not worthy, frustration, impatience etc.

          Andres Leon
          PSTEC User

            Thanks for the reply!@Brian

            Is it necessary to use the belief blaster? I only have the click tracks(both the free and paid ones), the positive pstec tracks and the positive quantum tracks. I do not know why but the positive approach on the positive pstec and positive quantum tracks has worked much better for me than the normal CTing of negative issues.

            In any case, all those statements seem very good to work with so I will start working with them this week and see what happens.
            Thanks for your help!

            Brian Tucker
            PSTEC User

              If you do not wish to invest in Belief Blasters I would suggest you to:

              a.) Clicktrack any negative feelings around the beliefs provided. This can be done simply by looking at the positive belief statements.


              b.) CT the feelings away instead of Belief Blast the negative statements.

              Then install PQT.

              PQT is powerful enough to work on it's own but it can't hurt to CT any negative emotions away first.

              Eamon Doherty
              PSTEC User

                Link ” I am enough”  with some of Brian's great suggestions for the music I've had nice positive feelings about myself linking this into sentences. Marisa peer give me this beauty on YouTube all the best ??

                Brian Tucker
                PSTEC User

                  Link ” I am enough”  with some of Brian's great suggestions for the music I've had nice positive feelings about myself linking this into sentences. Marisa peer give me this beauty on YouTube all the best ??

                  Ed thank you – so a PQT would be

                  “I'm enough now just the way I am now” – perhaps one might CT down the feelings of not enough first for maximum success.

                  IN BB form either “I hadn't been enough” though an even more powerful form is “I must have been enough” – One can blast both for even more power.

                  Eamon Doherty
                  PSTEC User

                    Need to also give credit to Paul who's helped me brilliantly on a personel level with a few issues. ?  Marisa peer was a recent video I watched that just hit home about things you guys had been saying. Yes Brian I'd say that's spot on CT “feeling not good enough” then blast in a few pqt suggestions I was thinking perhaps it's easy to make music now as I am enough

                    Brian Tucker
                    PSTEC User

                      To clarify, the belief “I'm not enough” is different than “I'm not good enough”. The feelings are also much different.


                      Seems the issue here with the music would be around “I'm not good enough” and in that example. CT feelings of not being good enough to produce etc then the belief with PQT “I'm good enough to produce/make music now I'm creative now”

                      Eamon Doherty
                      PSTEC User

                        Brian thank you that is an important difference top man?

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