I can’t change my programming

Forums Questions on PSTEC Packages Click Track 2015 I can’t change my programming

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    PSTEC User

      Hello Paul, I have been listening to click track 3 the most a few times a day with no results. Just finished two plays of click track 2015 long version and all the perceptions and emotions are there.  That's an hour straight of listening and tapping on the emotions I feel when thinking of myself and my father and nothing has changed. I just can't keep going on and not getting any changes. I need something powerful.  I don't have the will to do another play of the click track, it gets boring and especially when I'm not getting any big changes. I don't believe I will get changes honestly with these tapes. Even i have given up with fastereft as I tap everyday and all that negativity is still there.  I just don't know what to do. Also it's impossible to focus on one emotion because I don't know what it is. It's become who I am.

      Paul McCabe
      PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

        Hi Alakh,

        Thanks for your reply.

        You have confirmed that you have listened to Click Track 3 the most, and also played the long version of Click Track 2015.

        I appreciate you are not yet getting the results you want. What exactly are the results you want long-term?

        I know that some of these posts can be a bit long, but they are designes to point you in a direction I believe will be very beneficial for you.

        I do not think it would be helpful for me to be too repetitive, yet I feel that much of what I wrote earlier in the thread still applies: the expectations you have, that sense of urgency, the feelings of giving up when change does not happen as quickly as you want. Again, these feelings can be Click Tracked, because they can get in your way.

        Some changes happen quickly, while others may take time. Change is inevitable – we all change. These processes, however, can help you bring about the changes you wish to see in yourself and your model of reality.

        Consciously you want to change, but your subconscious mind (your protector) may be resisting. What would you be giving up by letting go of the feelings from the past? What would you have to confront if you were free of your resentment and feelings of low self-worth?

        Is it possible that you want to still feel angry about certain things, as anger gives you the impression that you are in control? Or perhaps you just do not want to forgive your father as you believe he deserves to suffer?

        These are just suggestions for self-discovery. Ultimately, it is up to you how far you wish to go with this, but I can recommend being clear on how you wish to feel instead (of how you feel now), whilst moving to a place where you accept that people make mistakes and deserve forgiveness, empathy etc. Getting there will be a natural by-product of doing this work.

        If you read through the thread again and direct your focus to some of the areas I suggested, I think you will notice some big shifts.

        You are not your emotions. They are no more part of you than a fever is part of you when you get ill. In other words, emotions can pay you a visit;  they are not YOU.

        Be sure to mix up the tracks too – try different CTs, so you do not become too used to one particular track. There are lots of good tips and protocols throughout the forum.

        Also, please see the link in one of my earlier posts. I highly recommend downloading Tim's free tracks and tutorials. Great wisdom and advice is contained within the tutorials and the hypnotic tracks are extremely powerful too.

        I would recommend incorporating these into your schedule. The Wealth of Abundance track is superb. The suite of tools works synergistically to help you change your model of reality and bring positive feelings and experiences into your life. 

        Please let me know how you get on.


        Paul McCabe – PSTEC Master Practitioner


        Please contact me anytime if you want any assistance in utilising PSTEC to help you live a life of tremendous freedom & possibility.

        Recreate yourself with PSTEC.

        Skype, Zoom, in-person & phone sessions available…

        PSTEC User

          the long term results i want is to be socially confident with all people and not feel any anxiety or fear whatsoever about anything.  If i gave up the feelings then i would not be unique  and that means i would have to fit in like everyone else and i would forget my true purpose for my existence here which is to be self realized and reach the highest state of awareness through kriya yoga. but the mind is holding me back with all these fears and desires at the same time. i know the goal is to know god but the mind is still making me want things that a normal human wants. so it is a battle between my soul and mind. which leaves me confused most of the time.

          I have downloaded the files and will listen to wealth of abundance, but i experienced a bad situation recently where now all my classmates i talk to and work with are now avoiding me so now I am on my own. because i have so much anxiety and fear of even saying hello or hows the work going because i feel so rejected and worthless the other person must have told my classmate that i just ignored her and now they are not talking to me which i beat my self up on because all i had to do was say something and this situation where now going into University will be hard because i am going to see them around. but those feelings now are at s solid 10 for a long time now and brings back many memories and i feel overwhelmed because with pstec you only work with one thing at a time and the wrapper track doesn't really work because it is click track 2015 that is being played for it. I am back to fastereft as it looks like the changes can come but not experienced anything major yet. But at the same time my gut is saying im not supposed to try to change but my mind wants to change because of these feelings and emotions that are not nice. so i am very confused.

          Also about not wanting to forgive my father is right because i feel he deserves to experience the pain he caused me so i can't forgive him until he knows what i experienced. but what do i do about that?

          Paul McCabe
          PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

            Hi Alakh,

            Thank you for providing this update.

            I'll address your post:

            the long term results i want is to be socially confident with all people and not feel any anxiety or fear whatsoever about anything.

            Those are good goals, and I think it will serve you well to map this out as systematically as you can.

            1) Address the feelings of anxiety/fear that have popped up in past events/memories or imagined outcomes in the future

            2) Define what “social confidence” looks like and feels like FOR YOU. Be as specific as possible. Does it mean having a feeling of complete ease, the ability to speak up or to speak to anyone, or is it just a feeling of total peace in social events?

            3) Define exactly which version of yourself you wish to be. We all have different sides to our character and, even though it may feel it at times, we do not stay rooted to one version of ourselves. This is because…change is inevitable, and flexibility is possible.

            4) If you are not clear on that version of yourself, or cannot conceive of it, use a role model. Does anyone else you know, have read about it or watched (perhaps on stage or on television) seem to embody the exact characteristics you want in yourself.

            5) If you can conceive of it, then you could come up with some ideas of the beliefs and feelings they (or the idealised version of YOU) are likely to hold about themselves, life and the world in general. You can then use PSTEC Positive
            https://pstecaudiosource.org/accounts/6gv/24861/order to suggest these to yourself.

            With the unwanted feelings significantly reduced, the Positive suggestions can have a profound impact on your self-concept and mind model.

            If i gave up the feelings then i would not be unique  and that means i would have to fit in

            I can appreciate that this is your perspective, but attributing uniqueness to holding certain unwanted feelings might be getting in your way. Some people can occasionally derive secondary benefit from having certain ailments too – it serves a need.

            You are ALREADY unique, but your expression of that is that you are not feeling a sense of inner peace at present and you seem to feel cut off from your peers. If you shift the unwanted feelings and eliminate the beliefs that might be holding you back, you have the choice to be what you perceive to be the best version of yourself. That does not mean you have to conform, but you can at least be happy and acting from your own “higher purpose.”

            i know the goal is to know god but the mind is still making me want things that a normal human wants. so it is a battle between my soul and mind. which leaves me confused most of the time.

            That would cause most people a sense of inner conflict. Be kind to yourself. Every human being has made mistakes (aka “learning opportunities”), and will make more. It is part of the life cycle. Instead of making it a choice between your soul and mind, why not look within your heart and follow what that tells you?

            Again, not to sound like a broken record, but you could CT those conflicted feelings and then (once eliminated) suggest Positive Statements (using PP) like “I trust my intuition,” “From now on, I am becoming the best version of myself.”

            have downloaded the files and will listen to wealth of abundance, but i experienced a bad situation recently where now all my classmates i talk to and work with are now avoiding me so now I am on my own.

            It is good that you have this opportunity to focus the tracks on something very recent and very specific. This is life showing up and giving you the opportunity to resolve an issue.

            going into University will be hard because i am going to see them around. but those feelings now are at s solid 10 for a long time now and brings back many memories and i feel overwhelmed because with pstec you only work with one thing at a time and the wrapper track doesn't really work because it is click track 2015 that is being played for it.

            Going into University being hard is based on your current mind model and expectations. You can use the PSTEC tools to eliminate the feelings, suggest new behaviours and beliefs… and this will shift your mind model. So, with this dedication in place, going to University can be an exciting new chapter in your life.

            With PSTEC, it is certainly best to work on one emotion at a time, but one emotion can have a lifetime of bad experiences/memories behind it. So, using the wrapper, followed by the 2015 CTs and clicktracking whilst TRYING to experience that emotion and the associated memories/imagined outcomes can actually be startlingly quick and efficient.

            As long as you follow the instructions, every time you use the CTs will be having an impact on your mind model. Positive expectation and perseverance will help tremendously.

            Like any tool, it is there to be used in the correct way, and there is no “hard and fast rule” for how long that will take an individual user. For some people, a lifelong issue can be cleared in one or two plays. For others, it may take some more. In either case, it is worth it.

            Look around the forums and have a listen to the PSTEC interviews and tutorials. Lifelong problems can be banished.

            Also about not wanting to forgive my father is right because i feel he deserves to experience the pain he caused me so i can't forgive him until he knows what i experienced. but what do i do about that?

            I do not know the specifics of what your father did or did not do, but clearly it has impacted you deeply. One thing to consider is that forgiveness is not necessarily always about the other person, but about us. Letting go does not mean forgetting, or pretending that everything was acceptable. You are doing it for you and because, if you let it go, you are more likely to move towards the version of yourself you wish to be.

            You might consciously agree or disagree with this, but the power in this instance comes from the subconscious mind.

            You hold that resentment in mind and it is hurting YOU. You can be reasonably confident that, whatever bad your father did, he was not in a good place himself. Perhaps he feels bad about what he did or did not do. Perhaps he does not. Either way, you can try to understand the sort of feelings and beliefs he may hold/have held (based on what you know of his life experiences) and then work towards forgiving. You can also work to building a better relationship with your father – I know that takes two people, but as long as you do YOUR part…

            Please let us know how you get on.


            Paul McCabe – PSTEC Master Practitioner


            Please contact me anytime if you want any assistance in utilising PSTEC to help you live a life of tremendous freedom & possibility.

            Recreate yourself with PSTEC.

            Skype, Zoom, in-person & phone sessions available…

            PSTEC User

              sorry for late reply i took a break from pstec as i wasn't getting any results, just did a ct2015 long  track and started with a 6/10 and at the end of the track was a solid 10/10 and was feeling very bad and suicidal because the more i thought about my upbringing the worse i felt and the clicking really does not change anything. Pstec is doing me more harm than good and i dont think i will be using it anymore. I just don't believe how tapping the fingers to the sound of a tone can help me, and change the emotion and perceptions. Also not just now but the other time i do a round of pstec i always feel worse at the end than the beginning so i know this technique doesn't work. If 30mins of clicking doesn't make a difference then why should i persist? 

              Or maybe there is something i am missing because other people who use it seem to get changes?

              Paul McCabe
              PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

                Hi Alakh,

                Thank you for posting.

                I appreciate that you are feeling worse after the track than you were before it. I appreciate that you are now feeling a little perturbed. Would that be a fair description?

                What specific aspects of your upbringing did you run the CT on? Would you be able to share that?

                It is not clear from your posts whether you have tried any of my recent suggestions. If you did, can you please explain which of these you tried? Have you been listening to the Mindfulness tutorial and such? There are tremendous insights and suggested uses for the tracks there.

                I am not here to deny your experiences, but I am not crystal clear on how you have been using some of the tracks lately and whether you are mixing them up, using them consistently or what you are targeting?

                I would like to emphasise that, as long as you are using the tracks in the “prescribed” way, you will almost certainly be making shifts.

                Sometimes feeling worse is a temporary issue or simply a consequence of revisiting painful events from your past (and not addressing all aspects of them), and this might just be highlighting an issue (or another aspect of the same issue) that could be worked on.

                Ultimately, you seem to have an extremely negative perception of your upbringing.  I appreciate it can be difficult for you to “go back there.” This can be worked on systematically, and you can immerse yourself in PSTEC, go gentle on the issues or (as you mentioned) stop using PSTEC entirely. It is all a matter of choice and it is one you can always revisit at a later date.

                What do you think changed during the Click Track? What did you focus on to go from a 6 to a 10?

                Have you tried using the Positive suggestions too? And Wealth of Abundance?

                Do you think there is any advantage, on some level, of holding on to some emotions and beliefs?

                What might you have to give up if you let go of all the negative perceptions?

                As mentioned before, you are already unique and do not need symptoms, fear or resentment to be unique. These are things that we may exhibit, but not the “real” us.

                I do hope you will persevere with the processes and that is because I know what is possible. Whichever modality you choose or whether you decide to leave it for a while, you ARE worth it…so persevere with being the best version of yourself.

                I am here, if you do need any further assistance, however.


                Paul McCabe – PSTEC Master Practitioner


                Please contact me anytime if you want any assistance in utilising PSTEC to help you live a life of tremendous freedom & possibility.

                Recreate yourself with PSTEC.

                Skype, Zoom, in-person & phone sessions available…

                PSTEC User

                  Hello Paul, sorry for the late reply as i did not see a notification until i just came back to this thread to read what you told me as i have been doing fastereft with no results, so back with pstec now.would you be open to a Skype chat?

                  Now what i noticed is when my 6 went to a 10 my subconscious gave me all theae abreactions and judgements, negative feelings, anger ,self pity which overwhelmed me. This happens when i also persist with fastereft and then I can't handle it so i stop. Maybe my subconscious is doing this to protect me so i dont change because i was likely close to changing the programming and my subconscious is trying very hard to keep everything the same.so i guess the lesson is to just to persist even if it gets worse.

                  When i do pstec or fastereft i always aim at the way my father is quiet,detached which made me feel alone, unsupported and fearful of people because I don't seem myself as part of society since my dad is like that.and when the emotions gets worse as i am tapping i think what is happening is go into victim mode and ask why me or how did i have such bad karma to have such a rubbish dad etc

                  Now some fastereft practitioners i converse with mention what you said about what might i give up if i let go of the negative perceptions or what bad could happen to me if i let this problem go? The answer is i would not be accepted by my parents as i am doing what they don't like and they expect me to be how i am. If i change i will be alone because i will be different to my parents, so these fears/beliefs are keeping me stuck and i work on them but they get worse so I don't know what to do.

                  Paul McCabe
                  PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

                    Hi Alakh,

                    Great to hear from you.

                    I would absolutely be open to a Skype chat, and think that might be the best strategy. You can find my contact details on lifestyleforchange.com, or send  a Private Message here. We can set something up.

                    Sometimes the SUD rating will go higher, as you are consciously focusing on the unpleasant feelings, memories and imagined outcomes. This is not out of the ordinary and will vary from person to person – many people will not have this experience, and some will. It will not impede progress ultimately.

                    You are spot on. Your subconscious is your protector. It is not trying to harm you, so persistence is key. Keep at it until you reach the psychological tipping point.

                    A good way to loosen up rigid beliefs is to question some of your assumptions. You mentioned that your father being quiet and detached “made me feel alone.” In actual fact, you gave meaning to your father's behaviour. If you had given that a different meaning (“He is just a quiet man who is not emotionally expressive.”)  then and now, you would likely have a different feeling.

                    Is it possible your father's behaviour could be the result of something else? Might he have been struggling with something, in his own head or simply unaware of how to communicate with you at that time?

                    Can someone being detached “make us feel” anything?

                    You did explain your barriers to changing. The other question is: why would it be such a problem if you were not accepted by your parents? You indicated that you did not accept your father and did not feel accepted by him, so how do you know for sure that eliminating your beliefs and changing your behaviour would lead to not being accepted?

                    Might it be possible that you will accept yourself, life and your parents even more and so their acceptance would not be so vital to you?

                    I just ask these questions earnestly and to encourage more possibilities.

                    Thanks for being so candid, by the way.

                    I look forward to hearing from you,


                    Paul McCabe – PSTEC Master Practitioner


                    Please contact me anytime if you want any assistance in utilising PSTEC to help you live a life of tremendous freedom & possibility.

                    Recreate yourself with PSTEC.

                    Skype, Zoom, in-person & phone sessions available…

                    PSTEC User

                      Alakh, good luck buddy. I've been reading, but not every word, but I can see feelings in you that I see in myself, more so maybe 20 years ago. I'm 41 now. Anyway, if there is anything I could say, I'd I could go back to my 25 year old self… Hmm. Idk. Lol, maybe I shouldn't give advice. I'm better off than before but it's taken a lot of time and sacrifice. My father had died already and even after shedding a tear or two I still curse him and my mother and sister and humanity whenever I mess up. Well, maybe in the last couple years I've mostly stopped. But I've closed myself off from most of society and am now learning to reintegrate myself into my life with the rest of the world, but it's from a new perspective. Mm…

                      If you don't want to spend 20 or so years to find a noticeable amount of positive change, if you want a miracle, which is really what it is to succeed in life no? Well you have to make it happen. I've been meditating now for 15 years, but it's taken 15 years to get myself to make do it daily. And it's not always sitting crossed legged counting breaths, it's click tracks, affirmations, stretching, exercises, reading /listening /watching/researching people who've succeeded in life and Im pretty sure it comes down to daily habits and making it a priority to change the person, the vehicle that's driving the soul through the journey, before you concern yourself with too much of anything outside of it. Huge sacrifice. Sit down in front of mirror and beg God through the person in front of you(or however you do it) for the power to do what it takes to get what you want out of life. Write every day about your journey. Monitor your progress. Accept that you're different, or special ;) and that you've been chosen to discover secrets about life most people will never figure out. The bigger the adversity, the bigger the reward. And remember you're not a Pow or starving child in a 3rd world country (in assuming) so it could be worse. But it's not so much about your woes but those other people struggling after you waiting for you to figure it out and reach down to help them. Perhaps you were chosen specifically to figure out these problems your have that so many others struggle with.

                      Daily habits and constant introspection. You're a huge furnace just waiting for some tech to hook you up to some machine of some purpose. Be a technician. This is a serious full time job. You weren't created to quit. People kill themselves every day and end up felating the devil for eternity. So I've heard. But Im not gonna take any chances and being alive and not doing what I'm supposed to be doing here on earth sucks balls no? So if you're in this stage now where you just want to cry and be understood and have a miracle fall upon you, you gotta see this situation and then see the big picture and make some serious decisions now. Small and consistent. Be a scientist. Prioritize. Perhaps you need two hours a day of reviewing, planning, and exercising… EVERY DAY, like air that you depend on to live. Solve All your problems. Ignore none. Consolidate them into categories to simplify. Subscribe on youtube to a dozen self improvement channels. Work on your mind, language, mental and verbal, understanding. Hitler was one a sweet innocent baby. Everyone is guilty of something ALL the time. Most people barely change. Be the change. Most people stop at barriers and write it off as life and sit back in their chairs and do what they're supposed to do. Your pain isn't allowing you to be so ignorant and blissful. You've got job to do superman.

                      Step one: find one quite pertinent thing about you got don't like and give it an evacuation notice, 30-90 days say. Some habit, some thought. Know that it will notice you looking at it and will fight back tooth and nail, as you've noticed with click tracks, and prepare for a battle of attrition Rambo. Prepare to bleed and cry. Afraid of suicide? The last thing suicide wants to you do is ignore it. So look at it. Then look at yourself. So you really want to be one of Satan's bitches for eternity? Make that decision to take on suicide every day until its done and gives up. I don't see it anymore myself. I had from age 9 til about 32 or so because I ran all my life.

                      It's good to be social and harness your social skills for your own health and others but realize most people won't understand you if you're different and you'll have to learn to accept that anyway and to never sacrifice who you are to blend in with others. In fact your job as a socialite is to infiltrate society to educate and inspire which on the whole is barely done. You're life is a miracle bro. Most people pay a shrink for pills to fit in better. You're in the fight. Work everyday seriously every day on yourself. Be a tech. Find the bowl that holds your negative thought salad and click track the bowl, idk lol. There's answers inside and out of you. Okay, good luck. Bye for now

                      Paul McCabe
                      PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

                        Hi Juntjoo,

                        Great post..Thank you for sharing that and for providing your insights.

                        In my own experience, it is a balancing act, but you can change in a profound way when you stop blaming other people and start taking responsibility for your own interpretations. Truly distressing things can happen in life, but eliminating the experience of distress is ultimately very liberating.

                        Taking on other people's perspectives can also be a very useful skill to develop. Even people who have done things that are unfathomable to us were doing these things, as it made sense to them at that time.

                        I do not mean that you blame yourself or try to undermine the issue, but that you accept that people have made mistakes themselves (possibly) and that holding onto resentment hurts the person who is holding the resentment much more than the “resented.”

                        Click Track the blame, resentment, anger…It shifts a lot.

                        Thanks again for your post. I am sure it will have helped a lot of readers.


                        Paul McCabe – PSTEC Master Practitioner


                        Please contact me anytime if you want any assistance in utilising PSTEC to help you live a life of tremendous freedom & possibility.

                        Recreate yourself with PSTEC.

                        Skype, Zoom, in-person & phone sessions available…

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