PSTEC Belief Blasters – Amazing Success Story

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  • #25315
    PSTEC User

      I have no problems rephrasing Core Beliefs like I'm powerless, I'm not good enough in the past tense. It's working pretty well.

      1) I face doubts when I'm trying to work with supporting beliefs like

      “People would not like me if they knew the truth about me”

      I understand finding and working with its corresponding core belief “I'm bad” or “I'm not good enough” is the way to go but can we also work with the supporting beliefs directly? ( Incase I'm not able to detec the underlying core belief)

      If so how do I rephrase it?

      People have not liked me when they discovered the truth about me” ?

      2) I would also really like to work with situation specific beliefs like

      “I don't think I'll get that job”

      “It's too late to apply for that job”

      I'm not sure if Belief blasters are meant to work with beliefs like these but I would still like to test it out. I just don't know how to rephrase them.

      Can someone help me out with this?


      Brian Tucker
      PSTEC User

        1) I face doubts when I'm trying to work with supporting beliefs like

        “People would not like me if they knew the truth about me”

        I understand finding and working with its corresponding core belief “I'm bad” or “I'm not good enough” is the way to go but can we also work with the supporting beliefs directly? ( Incase I'm not able to detec the underlying core belief)

        If so how do I rephrase it?


        You are saying two things here – a complex belief

        People haven't liked me
        Someone would have found out the truth about me

        also might add in

        I've had a secret or I've been keeping a secret
        I've been hiding something

        “I don't think I'll get that job” – I couldn't get a job and I couldn't find a job


        “It's too late to apply for that job” – It has been too late to apply for that job or It was too late to apply for a job

        You could also get into:

        nobody would have hired me
        I haven't been good enough to _______ 
        I haven't been worthy of _______ 
        I didn't deserve _______ 

        The blank might be something you believe about the job. e.g. I didn't deserve a better paying job or I haven't been good enough to have a higher paying job.

        Read here'it'-vs-'i'/msg3867/#msg3867

        Don't worry about the phrase being absolutely perfect. if one does not clean everything up at worst you will become a little more clear and then see what the real issue is. You can't make a mistake or break anything by using a belief blaster. The are rather forgiving and what is 10 minutes time? :)

        Paul McCabe
        PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

          I have no problems rephrasing Core Beliefs like I'm powerless, I'm not good enough in the past tense. It's working pretty well.

          1) I face doubts when I'm trying to work with supporting beliefs like

          “People would not like me if they knew the truth about me”

          I understand finding and working with its corresponding core belief “I'm bad” or “I'm not good enough” is the way to go but can we also work with the supporting beliefs directly? ( Incase I'm not able to detec the underlying core belief)

          If so how do I rephrase it?

          People have not liked me when they discovered the truth about me” ?

          Hi Whitelotus,

          As Brian and yourself have acknowledged, identifying the core and simple beliefs and working through them systematically seems to be a very effective strategy. It will bear fruit.

          Worrying what people think about you is at the core of that belief, so you could run the Free CT ( or one of the more advanced tracks on the imagined outcome of people finding out “the truth” about you. Keep CTing that down to 0 (or as close to it as possible) and you will probably notice a profound impact and it would not be atypical to be worried what people might find out to feeling absolutely fine about it…and fine about YOU.

          Also, identify “the truth” and be clear on what it is. I know other people have had this fear. It shows up in different guises.

          People will find out that…

          “I have a criminal record…”

          “my marriage broke down…”

          “I went bankrupt…”

          “I am gay…”

          “I am a bad person.”

          These are just examples and I have heard many. We live in an age where media will try to “shame”, ridicule and marginalise certain people and where many people on social media will pass moral judgement. Ultimately, though, whatever the “truth” is about you, then you do not have to feel bad about it or feel alienated.

          Of course, if the “truth” is that you are engaging in unethical behaviour, then that can be helped too. Even at that, behaviour does not necessarily define who someone really is. It is just part of the picture and we always evolve.

          So, to be bothered by what people might think, you might have two aspects at play:

          1) Not being accepting of who you are

          2) Not trusting people will accept you.

          Beliefs like “I'm not acceptable” and “People can't be trusted” might be at play. Other beliefs and emotional conditionings will feed into this, for sure.

          For the other beliefs, you might well find that you are giving meaning to the situation. “I won't get this job” can be emotionally neutral, positive or absolutely devastating. You will not get the job because……? How do you know it is too late to apply? Perhaps it is, but why would that matter?

          What meaning are you giving to getting or not getting the job? What would it mean about YOU if you didn't get the job?


          Paul McCabe – PSTEC Master Practitioner

          Please contact me anytime if you want any assistance in utilising PSTEC to help you live a life of tremendous freedom & possibility.

          Recreate yourself with PSTEC.

          Skype, Zoom, in-person & phone sessions available…

          Brian Tucker
          PSTEC User

            On the job topic ask what you really believe. Are you not smart enough. Not qualified enough. Can't be successful for some reason. What are the correct reasons. state your questions again and ask “why” and “because” then address the “because” beliefs that result

            shabier hassan
            PSTEC User

              Beliefs like “I'm not acceptable” and “People can't be trusted” might be at play. Other beliefs and emotional conditionings will feed into this, for sure.


              Hey Paul,
                          I must say that I always look forward to your posts.They always contain valuable information.The belief 'People can't be trusted' almost jumped out at me and rang true but somehow I am a little shaky at the very thought of blasting it away.I feel it helps to keep me safe and protected in this big, bad World.Wouldn't I be exposing myself by becoming totally naive
              and unsuspecting?

              PSTEC User

                You are saying two things here – a complex belief

                People haven't liked me
                Someone would have found out the truth about me

                also might add in

                I've had a secret or I've been keeping a secret
                I've been hiding something

                That's brilliant. Breaking it up makes sense. Thank you

                nobody would have hired me
                I haven't been good enough to _______ 
                I haven't been worthy of _______ 
                I didn't deserve _______ 

                The blank might be something you believe about the job. e.g. I didn't deserve a better paying job or I haven't been good enough to have a higher paying job.

                Could I still streamline this to mean the specific job:

                I didn't deserve this job
                I haven't been worthy of this job

                Because sometimes statements like this doesn't feel true –
                I didn't deserve a better paying job

                But I believe this statement
                I didn't deserve this job

                Another example
                The belief – “Nobody loves me” doesn't feel true but “X will never love me” feels true. 
                Can I then just change it to “X has never loved me” or “X couldn't love me” and BB it.

                I suppose I should be using clicktracks or finding the core beliefs behind these but I just want to get a feel for what kind of beliefs work with belief blasters and what doesn't

                Thank you

                PSTEC User

                  I have no problems rephrasing Core Beliefs like I'm powerless, I'm not good enough in the past tense. It's working pretty well.

                  1) I face doubts when I'm trying to work with supporting beliefs like

                  “People would not like me if they knew the truth about me”

                  I understand finding and working with its corresponding core belief “I'm bad” or “I'm not good enough” is the way to go but can we also work with the supporting beliefs directly? ( Incase I'm not able to detec the underlying core belief)

                  If so how do I rephrase it?

                  People have not liked me when they discovered the truth about me” ?

                  Hi Whitelotus,

                  As Brian and yourself have acknowledged, identifying the core and simple beliefs and working through them systematically seems to be a very effective strategy. It will bear fruit.

                  Worrying what people think about you is at the core of that belief, so you could run the Free CT ( or one of the more advanced tracks on the imagined outcome of people finding out “the truth” about you. Keep CTing that down to 0 (or as close to it as possible) and you will probably notice a profound impact and it would not be atypical to be worried what people might find out to feeling absolutely fine about it…and fine about YOU.

                  Also, identify “the truth” and be clear on what it is. I know other people have had this fear. It shows up in different guises.

                  People will find out that…

                  “I have a criminal record…”

                  “my marriage broke down…”

                  “I went bankrupt…”

                  “I am gay…”

                  “I am a bad person.”

                  These are just examples and I have heard many. We live in an age where media will try to “shame”, ridicule and marginalise certain people and where many people on social media will pass moral judgement. Ultimately, though, whatever the “truth” is about you, then you do not have to feel bad about it or feel alienated.

                  Of course, if the “truth” is that you are engaging in unethical behaviour, then that can be helped too. Even at that, behaviour does not necessarily define who someone really is. It is just part of the picture and we always evolve.

                  So, to be bothered by what people might think, you might have two aspects at play:

                  1) Not being accepting of who you are

                  2) Not trusting people will accept you.

                  Beliefs like “I'm not acceptable” and “People can't be trusted” might be at play. Other beliefs and emotional conditionings will feed into this, for sure.

                  For the other beliefs, you might well find that you are giving meaning to the situation. “I won't get this job” can be emotionally neutral, positive or absolutely devastating. You will not get the job because……? How do you know it is too late to apply? Perhaps it is, but why would that matter?

                  What meaning are you giving to getting or not getting the job? What would it mean about YOU if you didn't get the job?


                  I CTed the imagined outcome immeditaely after reading this. There's instant clarity on the situation. Thank you. That was totally on point

                  And Thank you so much for the thorough explanantion. I could use this as a blueprint for detecting core beliefs behind other issues too.

                  Appreciate what you all are doing here. PSTEC has been life changing for me.

                  Paul McCabe
                  PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

                    Beliefs like “I'm

                    Hey Paul,
                                I must say that I always look forward to your posts.They always contain valuable information.The belief 'People can't be trusted' almost jumped out at me and rang true but somehow I am a little shaky at the very thought of blasting it away.I feel it helps to keep me safe and protected in this big, bad World.Wouldn't I be exposing myself by becoming totally naive
                    and unsuspecting?

                    Hi Shabier,

                    Thanks very much for your kind words.

                    Our sub comes up with beliefs to keep us safe and that is its intention. However, think of how a belief like “people can't be trusted” would limit us and how it would influence someone's life and decisions.

                    It is a global belief. The counter-example is that some or even many people CAN be trusted.

                    Eliminating a belief like this would surely remove the tendency to distrust people or to be more guarded. It would not remove discretion but could help someone build stronger bonds with others, as well as being more empathetic towards people.

                    Identifying and then removing “people beliefs” and “life beliefs” can be incredibly liberating. It would not mean you go around life oblivious to danger. Rather, you can make a conscious assessment and will most likely be MORE clear-headed.

                    You mentioned the “big, bad world” and that may be pointing to another belief you might wish to eliminate (e.g. “The world is dangerous.”) Think about how such a belief would influence your everyday thoughts and the decisions you make.

                    There are objective dangers in this world and some people might betray our trust but, when you move from the general (“all people”, “the world”) to the specific (“that person”, “that situation”) AND “click away” on the imagined outcomes/worst-case scenarios…you will feel totally empowered and full of possibilities.

                    Thanks again.


                    Paul McCabe – PSTEC Master Practitioner


                    Please contact me anytime if you want any assistance in utilising PSTEC to help you live a life of tremendous freedom & possibility.

                    Recreate yourself with PSTEC.

                    Skype, Zoom, in-person & phone sessions available…

                    Paul McCabe
                    PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

                      Hi Whitelotus,

                      Thanks for your message. It is an absolute pleasure.

                      I am glad that you are seeing some life changes with PSTEC. If you keep at it, I am sure you will notice that it is a real game-changer.

                      Thanks again,

                      Paul  :)

                      Paul McCabe – PSTEC Master Practitioner


                      Please contact me anytime if you want any assistance in utilising PSTEC to help you live a life of tremendous freedom & possibility.

                      Recreate yourself with PSTEC.

                      Skype, Zoom, in-person & phone sessions available…

                      shabier hassan
                      PSTEC User

                        You mentioned the “big, bad world” and that may be pointing to another belief you might wish to eliminate (e.g. “The world is dangerous.”) Think about how such a belief would influence your everyday thoughts and the decisions you make.

                        Thanks again.


                        Hey Paul,
                                    you have an amazing eye for detail.When you pointed out my belief about the world I just smiled and said,”Well, there are PSTEC users and then there are PSTEC legends!”I am surely going to eliminate these limiting beliefs and post updates.
                        I am really grateful to you and all other experts here who selflessly help people.God bless you!Lots of love.

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