Spider phobia

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    Brian Tucker
    PSTEC User

      Jesse that all sounds fantastic and by all means keep going.

      A suggestion when you get it all down would be to buy Pstec positive quantum turbo and install the belief “spiders are safe now as I'm relaxed around spiders from now on”

      Paul McCabe
      PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

        Hi Jesse,

        Thank you so much for your post, your kind words and your commitment to the process.

        It really helps other people to see how effectively PSTEC works and that user commitment is so important too.  The more people who know about and actively use PSTEC, the better  :D

        Thank you for being so clear and systematic in the way you have explained working through the tracks. It is very much appreciated.


        Paul McCabe – PSTEC Master Practitioner


        Please contact me anytime if you want any assistance in utilising PSTEC to help you live a life of tremendous freedom & possibility.

        Recreate yourself with PSTEC.

        Skype, Zoom, in-person & phone sessions available…

        Jesse Jacobs
        PSTEC User

          Hello Brian and Paul,

          Thank you both for your encouragement. I am so amazed by the program and my progress I definitely would like to purchase the system. I wanted to confirm next steps:

          1. CT tarantula photos eyes open. Open / close eyes at end of CT. Get to 0.
          2. CT tarantula videos to 0.

          Is that the next step?

          Thank you again!


          Paul McCabe
          PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

            Hi Jesse,

            Thanks for your post.

            You can certainly follow those protocols, if there are additional facets/nuances you wish to clear.

            You may wish to either imagine the videos/photos while CTing or have them to hand while CTing.

            The Click Tracks are free, of course, and no purchase may be necessary. In fact, there are some other amazing free tracks available via the PSTEC site:

            – Embracing Change (http://bit.ly/pstecembracingchange)
            – You are Amazing! (http://bit.ly/pstecamazing)
            – Mindfulness with PSTEC (http://bit.ly/pstecmindfulness)

            However, since you mentioned that you wished to work on some other issues, the following paid tracks would be very useful and come highly recommended:

            PSTEC Accelerators (http://bit.ly/pstecaccelerators) : these help with finding causal memories and are extremely useful for ongoing PSTEC work, as they speed progress with all the other tracks. 

            Click Track 2015 (http://bit.ly/clicktrack2015) – the newest Click Tracks, these are extremely advanced and enable you to combine a lot of memories into one round of Click Tracking. You can link an unwanted emotion (fear) to a series of separate memories/imagined outcomes.

            Belief Blasters (http://bit.ly/beliefblasters) – enables you to blast away beliefs in 10-20 minutes. These tracks were released in 2017 and are wonderfully effective at eliminating beliefs that you may have held for many years.

            PSTEC Positive Quantum Turbo (http://bit.ly/ppquantumturbo) – as of this writing, these are Tim's newest tracks. They enable you to create positive suggestions of change, install beliefs and shift your perception. Extremely powerful.

            Thanks again, Jesse.

            Paul  :)

            Paul McCabe – PSTEC Master Practitioner


            Please contact me anytime if you want any assistance in utilising PSTEC to help you live a life of tremendous freedom & possibility.

            Recreate yourself with PSTEC.

            Skype, Zoom, in-person & phone sessions available…

            Jesse Jacobs
            PSTEC User

              Hi Paul,

              Ok great. Thank you. I will proceed with my progressive CT exposure plan.

              I looked at the links. Is there a PSTEC product page that summarizes all the products with description?

              Thank you so much for your quick replies!


              Paul McCabe
              PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

                Hi Jesse,

                That's a pleasure.

                Here are links to the product pages for Click Track 2015, Belief Blasters and PSTEC Quantum Turbo:




                Once you are on any of these pages, you can click into the other product pages via the menu at the top of the page.

                The description pages are useful, as you will often get an introductory webinar/interview for the corresponding product on them.

                Best Regards,

                Paul  :D

                Paul McCabe – PSTEC Master Practitioner


                Please contact me anytime if you want any assistance in utilising PSTEC to help you live a life of tremendous freedom & possibility.

                Recreate yourself with PSTEC.

                Skype, Zoom, in-person & phone sessions available…

                Jesse Jacobs
                PSTEC User

                  Hi Paul,

                  I wanted to thank you for the links. I apologize for not responding sooner, I actually hadn't realized that you responded. I was actually checking the page frequently for your response,  I didn't realize that your response was put on a second page.

                  Anyway, thank you I will have a look.


                  Jesse Jacobs
                  PSTEC User

                    Hi Paul,

                    Here is my log Day 11-20 doing PSTECH with tarantula photos.  I went from fear score of 10 to 2. I included a log because I think it would be really helpful for people to see that doing this in a methodical way you can really see the progress. One thing that was fantastic was watching the fear response in my body in the first few days go from 10 to 3 in about 10 seconds. Its like you just pass through the fear and it just dissolves. I think I am still at a 2 because I keep adding more photos I haven’t seen. Soon I will get it to the point where any random photo gets a 0 reaction.

                    Day 11 tested memories imagined fears started at 0 end 0 (I did this just to make sure I was at 0 before starting photos)

                    Day 12 photo #1 looked at photos started 10 after 3

                    Day 13 day 2 photos. Photo #2 started 10 after 3

                    Day 14 AM photo #3 started 10 after 3 or 2. Felt like doing it again in PM photo #3 started 10 after 2

                    Day 15 AM photo #4 started 5 after 2.

                    Day 16 AM photo #5 started 8 after 2. PM photo # 5 started 5 after 2

                    Day 17 photo #6 started 4 after 2.

                    Day 18 photo #7 started 3 after 2.

                    Day 19 AM photos several  started 3 or 2, after 2. PM started 2 after 2

                    Day 20 AM photos several started 1. All the prior download photos I had weren’t getting much reaction so I went to photos on the internet. I was swiping through random photos all at 1 when suddenly a scary close up got a 7 reaction, after 3.
                    PM started 2 after 2.

                    Thank you again! :)

                    Paul McCabe
                    PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

                      Hi Jesse,

                      Thank you very much for your update.

                      The details will be very useful for many visitors.

                      I really appreciate you taking the time to share this.

                      Paul  :D

                      Paul McCabe – PSTEC Master Practitioner


                      Please contact me anytime if you want any assistance in utilising PSTEC to help you live a life of tremendous freedom & possibility.

                      Recreate yourself with PSTEC.

                      Skype, Zoom, in-person & phone sessions available…

                      Jesse Jacobs
                      PSTEC User

                        Hi Paul,

                        And hello to anyone who has a spider phobia, or any phobia for that matter.

                        I am progressing steadily, here is my update:  I went from looking at about 20 photos of Tarantulas to hundreds of random photos of tarantulas of every kind. Next I moved on to video. Today I watched a video. I am at 1 after just 4 days of clicking tracking video. This system is simply incredible!  If you are interested you can read further to see that just doing this 1 or 2 times a day is incredibly effective. I am writing all this because I am a living testimonial. No one has asked me to write this. I am going to buy the other click tracks now.

                        PHOTOS cont.

                        Day 21 AM multiple photos before 1 during 2 after 1
                        Day 22 AM multiple photos before 1 during 2 after 1 PM multiple photos before 1 during 2 after 1
                        Day 23
                        1. Hundreds of google photos, start 1 after .5.
                        2. Hundreds of google photos, start 1 after .5.  Touching screen, had feeling of wanting to give the tarantula a hug, and also send it love.
                        3. Rght after second session curious about where their eyes are so look at close-ups of their multiple eyes. Started at 1-2, ended at 1- .5

                        Time for video! :)


                        Day 24  YouTube videos of Tarantula close ups before 8 after 3-4
                        It was interesting to start at 8 rather than 10. Also to see the fear just go from 8 to 3 after a minute.

                        Day 25  Multiple Tarantula's video 😮 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYv3b7pHdJM
                        This is a great clip! This goes through many different types of tarantulas being watered and fed cockroaches, and snapping at the owner, and crawling around. I decided to work with this one because it is very close up, with variety. It's as long as the click track. (I never would have been able to look at this for more than a second before.) Started 5 , after 3.

                        Day 26  Same video Start 4-5, after 1-2

                        Day 27 Same video  Start 3 end 1 Sometimes during the video the fear would increase and I just love letting the fear in and trying to make it even scarier– and it just dissolves. It’s amazing.

                        Thank you again!  :)


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