Subjective truth

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  • #26331
    Brian Tucker
    PSTEC User

      I often found I intellectualized too much. So instead I began to simply think in terms of “following instructions” and just figure out “what do I want my new instruction to be” as the sub just follows instructions.
      Try loading these pqt beliefs…

      I thought spiders were really dangerous but I was completely wrong now
      Spiders are absolutely safe now I'm completely relaxed around spiders now
      Spiders are completely harmless now they're absolutely unimportant now
      I feel really calm thinking about spiders now I'm completely ok now
      Talking about spiders makes me laugh now I think they're funny

      Paul McCabe
      PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

        To hunt out the causal beliefs, you can ask:

        “What would I have to believe about X to do Y and feel Z when it/they are around/happening?”

        I find this post intriguing so a good bit of information here. One thing I wouldn't mind getting more of an idea on is how to hunt the “Causal” beliefs. Could you give a few examples on that method I quoted above please Paul?

        Also how do you know which one is causal?

        Because if I thought “Spiders are harmful” that would in turn lead me to believe that “Spiders are dangerous”


        If I thought “Spiders are dangerous” that would in turn lead me to believe “Spider are harmful”

        Which one would be the cause or core belief? they both feed into each other, no?

        Thanks guys

        Hi Clearingman,

        Thank you.

        Jesse is spot on there.

        “Spiders are harmful” and “spiders are dangerous” are both causal really. They are on the same plane.

        It is not that there would be one causal belief, per se, but that hunting the causal and core beliefs tends to produce the best results in changework.

        Another example that is quite pertinent here is the fear of public speaking.

        “Public speaking is scary” is one of many beliefs that would contribute to public speaking fear.

        “I feel really uncomfortable when I speak in public” might look like a belief in terms of its structure, but is actually a description of the pattern.

        Further to what Jesse has written, you can notice the feeling to see if it is propped up by a belief.

        Feel the feeling and ask:

        – “What would I have to believe about (this/that/right now) to feel (emotion) or do (behaviour)?”

        There may be more than one belief causing the emotion to show up. Alternatively, it may be a conditioned response that can be Click Tracked.

        In a practical sense, “every time someone looks at me, I look away (behaviour). What would I have to believe about myself, that person, being looked at to do the behaviour?”

        See what comes to mind.

        I will give some real client examples here.

        Some beliefs might be “I am not safe”, “I am out of my element”, “That person is judging me harshly”, “It is bad to be looked at”, “I am ugly”, “It is dangerous to make eye contact with strangers.”

        The more you use this type of method, the more natural it gets.

        Hope that helps,

        Paul  :)

        Paul McCabe – PSTEC Master Practitioner

        Please contact me anytime if you want any assistance in utilising PSTEC to help you live a life of tremendous freedom & possibility.

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        Jesse Jacobs
        PSTEC User

          Hi Brian,

          Thanks for your reply and advice. I am replying late because for some reason I didn't receive an alert of a new response.

          You make a very good point about intellectualizing. Some of which I have done in my post.  :)

          When I was doing BB initially something didn't quite feel right as some of my chosen beliefs felt as if contradicted my own experience. This was because they were descriptive beliefs. Once I understood the relationship between causal and descriptive beliefs was I able to progress. This clarification was very useful.

          Thank you for the PQT examples. They seem they could be applied to spiders or other issues that people may want to insert. I will look into these when I get to PQT.

          Thanks again Brian for your advice.

          Jesse Jacobs
          PSTEC User

            Hi Paul,

            Thanks for your post, I am replying late as I just realized you had posted. 😮

            Thanks for your advice. Understanding the relationship between causal and descriptive beliefs seems very valuable. Thank you again for making the distinction and clarification.

            Other examples are useful in seeing the pattern. Paul gives the example of public speaking– Public speaking is scary (descriptive) Public speaking is not safe (causal).

            In my experience, the way BB is structured finding the causal belief was essential, as it is a root belief from which the descriptive beliefs stem.  If you do BB and tell yourself that you were not scared when you had been, you may be arguing with your own experience.

            In my experience, this distinction was not necessarily doing PSTEC negative CT's. This may be because the CT's are dealing with the feelings. Since BB's seem to be working with the negative thoughts and cognitive distortions, getting to the root of the causal belief was very helpful.

            Thanks again.  :)

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