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  • #22038
    PSTEC User


      I think I am ugly and unattractive, and I can't get a girlfriend. How PSTEC can help me ?

      Paul McCabe
      PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

        Hi player_995,

        Thanks for your post.

        PSTEC has a range of different tools and they can be used in different ways and for different issues.

        The PSTEC suite of tools can certainly help you with beliefs like:

        “I'm ugly”
        “I'm unattractive”
        “I can't get a girlfriend”

        When did you become aware of these beliefs?

        With PSTEC, the standard protocol is to start with the Click Tracks. So, if you feel bothered by anything at all (FEELING ugly, for example.), this is the preferred way to start. Emotional clearance is important, as emotional neutrality can often clear the thoughts and beliefs without any further work needing to be done.

        So, for example, you COULD work with the “evidence” that you are unattractive and that you could never get a girlfriend. Those are the issues to target. Imagine never getting a girlfriend, or people criticising your appearance (perhaps you have memories of this too), try to hold onto the negative feelings and run the Click Tracks until you get the unwanted emotion down to a 0 or1.

        You can also work through and eliminate beliefs that feed into an emotional or behavioural pattern more directly. This can be done via:

        Belief Blasters (http://bit.ly/beliefblasters)
        PSTEC Negative (http://bit.ly/pstecnegative)

        Both of these programs work exceptionally well. Different instructions apply to each, of course, but they are highly effective and will enable you to eliminate any beliefs that are feeding the sense that you are unattractive.

        There are additional things you can with the PSTEC suite of tools, yet I do not want to overload you, so please try the suggested approach (above) and let us know how you get on.

        All the best,

        Paul  ;D

        Paul McCabe – PSTEC Master Practitioner


        Please contact me anytime if you want any assistance in utilising PSTEC to help you live a life of tremendous freedom & possibility.

        Recreate yourself with PSTEC.

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        PSTEC User

          I tried PSTEC Click Track and PSTEC Negative, but it didn't work. What can I do ?

          Paul McCabe
          PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

            Hi player_995,

            Thank you for your update and I am sorry that you have not yet had the results you have been seeking.

            When you say that you tried the Click Track, please elaborate on the following:

            – How many times did you use the Click Track?

            – Which emotions did you work on?

            – Did you think of past events and imagined outcomes?

            – On the issue you addressed, what was the SUD rating (0-10) before running the track(s) and then after?

            – Did you encounter any difficulties when running the tracks?

            – How do you know it didn't work?

            With regards to PSTEC Negative:

            – Which specific beliefs did you work on?

            – Which counterexamples did you work on for each belief?

            – Did you scramble the belief(s) while running the track?

            – Did you encounter any problems with the track? For instance, did you have any problems following the instructions?

            I look forward to your reply.

            Paul  ;D

            Paul McCabe – PSTEC Master Practitioner


            Please contact me anytime if you want any assistance in utilising PSTEC to help you live a life of tremendous freedom & possibility.

            Recreate yourself with PSTEC.

            Skype, Zoom, in-person & phone sessions available…

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