unsure when to run the accelerators

Forums Questions on PSTEC Packages PSTEC Accelerators unsure when to run the accelerators

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  • #21735
    PSTEC User

      Hi there

      im a little unsure when to run accelerators click track….after listening to the tutorial at around 5/6mins it says to use the click track immediately before or after using any other click track

      but then at 18mins tim says it fine to use the click tracks before, in the middle but not at the end!

      and then at 40mins tim says you can use the accelerators tracks when you want

      so would this be ok…click track or eff, accelerator track, pstec positive

      could you please clear this up as its a bit confusing


      Peter Bunyan
      PSTEC User

        Hi lester

        For most things it is OK to run Accelerators before and or after the Click Tracks or eefs. The exception that Tim was talking about at 18 mins in, is where there are no memories that can be recalled to cause the symptoms or issues trying to be cleared, Panic Attacks or Anxiety for example sometimes have this problem. This is because the Accelerators help stimulate recall, so using them afterwards might give cause for another unplanned Click Track Session.
        Is this clearer for you now?

        PSTEC User

          Hi peter

          right well my whole issue is anxiety…and im finding it hard to shift a few problems…so im thinking of doing this route

          eff's, Accelerators then pstec positive

          or would another eff track be better

          eff's, Accelerators, eff then pstec positive


          Peter Bunyan
          PSTEC User


            My quick answer would be to use the short Relaxational Accelerator in between eefs and at the end of a session, as you have  already in a previous post said that you feel “beat up” after sessions.
            However… PSTEC seems to work quicker on the more focused narrow single issues, but in the more nebulous chronic problems like yours then it can take longer and this is where the Accelerators can help.

            You indicated on an earlier post that your anxiety causes insomnia and I know lack of sleep does not help anything, also that this started after a relationship break up. Anxiety and Insomnia are not natural conditions they are caused by something or series of incidents. In addition to the break up are there other incidents or things that have happened to you that you would rather have not happened, these could be quite minor on their own? If these things were prior to the breakup might they have in some way contributed to it?

            Rather than continue “Clicking” on an issue with little result it is better to change targets, these could be quite trivial. In order to clear a big issue it helps to be absolutely confident that it will clear. So clear something small first to help gain that confidence.

            Hope this helps you

            PSTEC User

              Hi Peter

              yes the break up did cause it but my anxiety has gone really crazy to be honest!…from worrying about the food i eat, to the medication i take to calm me down…to something ive said to someone in the day!…anything can flare up my anxiety, and then the insomnia starts!

              i really don't mind having any of the anxiety…i just hate the insomnia! thats the issue…but everything can trigger it now…it seems that break up is so far off i hardly even think of it now (even though i saw the girl the other week)

              ive been using the wealth of abunduce mp3 at the end, but ill defo try the Relaxational Accelerator at the end now

              im still not 100% sure when to use the accel click tracks though


              Peter Bunyan
              PSTEC User


                Just use the Accelerators as a change or a break from Clicking, anytime, OK?

                Here is an example and suggestion. Insomnia! Create a “positive” statement along the lines of “From now on I can get to sleep quickly and easily every night”, next a “negative” (if you have it) this pretty much the opposite of the positive so, “My anxiety stops me from getting to sleep”. Now run the an eef with that negative thought, then run the Negative track, tearing up the statement at the end as instructed, go straight into the positive you created first, and finish with a relaxational accelerator while imagining always just easily falling asleep every night and waking up refreshed. Takes about an hour for the whole lot, but it worked for me, although I added a few extra refinements of my own. It might leave you feeling tired for a while afterwards, so allow extra recovery time.


                PSTEC User

                  Hi peter

                  thats great, just what i needed the statements…im going to follow that route tonight, and group all my anxiety together, as doing one at a time isnt enough for me, as i find i have that many (and new ones can come up all the time).

                  if i need an extra boost, the next day ill add in the accelerator click track just after the eff.



                  PSTEC User

                    Hi peter

                    had a great news on pstec…after i finished the session i couldnt feel any bad emotions regarding my anxiety! it felt great…i couldnt sleep for ages though as i felt pretty high actually ha, really happy though…its great knowing that im making progress, cheers : )…i think ill do pstec in the day and just do the relaxation at night or just the wealth mp3

                    just one question though. with all tims  tracks everythings nice and clear but with the accelerators i keep getting a strange feedback sound on tims voice! ive downloaded the mp3s again and also tried on my other phone, but its still there…any idea what it could be?…i had to turn the track down real low as i found a quite off putting



                    Peter Bunyan
                    PSTEC User


                      If you can tell me which track/s and how far in I will check on my copy/ies. I can assure you Tim has very sensitive hearing and is very careful about the quality of the audio. So it is either meant to be there or your copy is somehow corrupted, if that is so Jeff will get you a new version. If you have it on a mobile phone I suggest using earphones or better still “over the ear” headphones. Phone speakers are usually not very good.


                      PSTEC User

                        Thanks pete…its on all of them but you can really hear it more on the relaxation tracks!…its like theres no pop shield on these recording



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