I Was Tired of Sitting in the Corner Feeling Frustrated and Confused!

That’s what someone once said to me when I asked,
“Why consider using PSTEC?”


You see, this person had been on the merry-go-round of self-improvement; personally seen the gurus … reading books … listening to programs … and while sometimes feeling better for a short period, the changes just didn’t seem to stick.

Round and round and round they went!
Where they stop, nobody knows!

The changes just were not truly made and this person was very frustrated and confused about what to do next!

Before we talk about solutions to end confusion and frustration, I have a couple questions for you…

  • Do you want to change your life?
  • Do you desire your life to move in another direction however slight or drastically?

If you love your life and don’t want to make any changes, no need to proceed because the use of the PSTEC Suite of Tools is all about changing your perception so you can manifest changes in your life experience.


But, the fact that you are here right now and reading this indicates you are searching and so read on if you are curious because this is about change.

Perhaps you have tried a couple … ok, let’s be honest … many different programs, modalities, methods, etc.
But, you still struggle.

In fact, you may be fed up and ready to quit forever!
But, you don’t!
And, you know why?

Because shifting your mind is THE most important skill you can develop!


Because when you can control your mind and perception then the sky is the limit … or perhaps I should say the Universe is the limit!

You can live you life just watching, settling and surviving … just squeaking by … or live a life of continuous unlimited possibilities showing up in your life.

This is important…

If you want to change your life, you have to change your mind and to put it simply, you do have the power to shift your mind and being here shows you have the desire and intent and that’s where we must begin.

We have all tried to make these changes in our mind … shifting our perception … and we encounter obstacles.

Helping Hand

Recall the last time you wanted to do a “simple” task but had never done it before.
Sure, you could forge ahead and figure it out… eventually.
But, now what do you do when you want to get some clues on how to do that task?
You search for videos or articles online!
You try and get some clues from the expert… or many experts!

So, when you encounter a large, seemingly immoveable object, you look to the experts.
You employ an expert who has moved beyond that obstacle to help you too move beyond the obstacle.

In other words, although you may not need the help and, sure, you can do it on your own if you persist; why make it harder than it has to be?

Let someone guide you.

Shifting the mind is a little more complex and although requires simplicity in applying strategies to make changes, there is also some artfulness to it.

Again, enter someone who has “been there and done that” … someone who has helped others and who will be in your corner… who will keep guiding you along the way until you can do it on your own.

basic mentoring

men·tor noun
men·tor | \ ˈmen-ˌtȯr, -tər \
a trusted counselor or guide

We are deploying Advanced and Master PSTEC Practitioners in various ways to help you along the way.

Now, this does not preclude you from doing your PSTEC Work by any means.
In fact, you may be prompted to be more diligent and work more at it.
Not in “pushing” you, but in encouraging you because there will never be a replacement to you doing the work because no one can shift your mind for you (thankfully).
It’s up to you but you can have mentors to help guide you on how to proceed. And, maybe this will help make this journey just a little bit easier… or maybe even much, much easier.

Sometimes it helps to have someone there for you… to help guide you … point out when you’re on track and, yes, when you’re not on track.

Let me give you a preview of what you will find in the Basic Mentoring Membership Area.

Once you gain access to the membership area, the following tools and resources are at your fingertips …

  • Click Tracks Made Simple – This “module” addresses common issues and questions that have come from PSTEC Users as well as PSTEC Practitioners regarding use of the Basic Click Tracks for emotional issues.
  • The Embracing Change Course and Embracing Change Tracks – These were developed to help prepare your mind to allow changes more easily.
  • Basic Questions and Answers from Tim and Jeff – These audios answer additional questions about PSTEC, the Click Tracks and unique situations as well.
  • The first three modules of PSTEC and JEEP … Part 1, 2 and 3.
  • The First Pillar of a Free Mind, “Others Do Not Define Who and What I AM”… includes hypnotic audio to help you free your mind so that you can realize your True Potential!
  • You are able to post questions in the PSTEC Forum and gain access to various PSTEC Practitioners for suggestions and recommendations.
  • You have access to the Live Group Mentoring Sessions
    (there is an additional charge but you have exclusive access to register for these).
    These are very small online groups to work on issues with an experienced practitioner that will be very similar to a private session but at a much more affordable price.
  • Additional resources will be added over time as well.

You must have ordered the PSTEC Free Basic Package

Normal Price for all this?


For a limited time… Almost 30% Off

Only $40

One-time payment for unlimited access
No recurring payments
Very reasonable because we are committed to encouraging you to take the next step…

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