Is there a way to use the click tracks

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  • #21595
    PSTEC User

      for when I'm not sure what caused my problem? For instance, I LOVE to write but I stop myself from doing it and I don't know why. Can I use the Click Tracks to get over this block when I can't properly identify it myself, and if so, how would I go about doing that?

      Meghan Saunders
      PSTEC User

        Hello Rebecca

        Do you happen to have any noticeable emotions around not writing?  Like does that make you feel ? ? ? 

        See if you can connect with some sort of negative feeling(s) in yourself when you think about — WHY did I stop writing — UGH…..


        As a side mark — let's say you just do not “feel” anything connected to this particular situation – – – try to connect to the way you would feel if you were “feeling frustrated” for instance…. arrgh!

        Now take that frustrated feeling – connect with it and use the free click tracks or EEFs & while connecting with the emotion & ask yourself – “WHY have I stopped writing” — keep asking yourself this question throughout the click track – while listening to Tim and concentrating on the negative feeling as well ==== see if this brings anything up for you or creates a shift.

        I don't know which audios you own but this technique works really well with the PSTEC Accelerators – – –  but I have gotten good results running it with the basics and EEFs as well.

        {OH — a note from Tim:

        Good luck — please report back any insights or progress

        PSTEC User

          I actually thought i had no feelings surrounding this, Meghan, that I just avoided it and refused to think about it, but the minute I read your question “Why did I stop writing?” the words “fear of success” popped right into my head. So would I focus on that?

          PSTEC User

            Sorry, Meghan, I forgot to ask if you felt there were other tracks that would help me with this as well?

            Meghan Saunders
            PSTEC User

              I'm glad my words prompted you. . . yes yes yes – – – click on that fear

              You may find the accelerator tracks useful – – they help with both uncovering unknown causes and also boost the power of pstec positive as well.

              Glad you're making progress!

              PSTEC User

                I'm going to use the Level 1 sessions, Meghan, I did buy the Accelerator as per your suggestion and also the Positive Extra Power, but I have to read up on those before I use them.

                Meghan Saunders
                PSTEC User

                  That's great – – you have lots of audio to work with… play with

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