Reply To: pstec stop smoking

gavin underwood

    Hi all, I also purchased the stop smoking package and have failed to get through the two-day lay-off period several times now. I also agree with most of Gert's post of the 13th of May.
    I'm not in a financial position to go consulting a practitioner to help me, finding the initial $37 was hard enough, at this moment I would find difficulty raising the money to pay for the phone call.
    There is a company in the U.K who have a product called Ronseal, (I think it's a varnish for wood) their advertising logo is “It does exactly what it says on the tin”, which is what I'd got so far from using the Click Tracks.
    I'm disappointed that the stop smoking package, for me, would need to add terms and conditions to that logo, or perhaps, I didn't notice the small print!
    Go Easy Gavin