Reply To: Mixing up Positive Tapping 1 & Positive Tapping 2 Non Tapping

Forums Questions on PSTEC Packages PSTEC Level 1 Audio Package Mixing up Positive Tapping 1 & Positive Tapping 2 Non Tapping Reply To: Mixing up Positive Tapping 1 & Positive Tapping 2 Non Tapping

Jeff Harding
PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

    (joy, enthusiasm, excitement, peace)

    When I am connected to my greatest resource … to my True Self … the feelings move in a pleasant fashion and include one of the above.

    To keep it simple, when I feel “non-JEEP” feelings, I am living in fear of some kind. In essence, I am being fear and am not connected to my greatest Inner Resource.  So, I look to clear those mis-perceptions of fear and then reconnect with my Higher Self… my True Self.