Reply To: PSTEC Positive and Self-Love Mirror Work

Paul McCabe
PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

    Hi DarekKow,

    Thanks for posting and welcome to the forum.

    I hope you are enjoying your course. In my experience, PSTEC can greatly enhance the benefits you can get from other courses – especially those that provide “conscious mind” concepts and protocols.

    With PSTEC, the standard protocol is to start with the Click Tracks. So, if you feel bothered by anything at all (a trauma, sense of self, fears etc.), this is the preferred way to start. Emotional clearance is important, as starting from a place of calm and inner well-being makes most things more productive.

    You can also work through and eliminate beliefs that feed into an emotional or behavioural pattern. This can be done via:

    Belief Blasters (
    PSTEC Negative (

    Both of these work exceptionally well. Different instructions apply to each, of course, but they are highly effective and will enable you to eliminate any beliefs that are eroding a sense of self-love.

    Self-love is quite a broad subject and, generally, negative self-esteem beliefs feed into a pattern of self hatred or a feeling of not being enough, loveable or worthy.

    There is more than one way to get there with PSTEC, of course. The Positive tracks work at layering in desired suggestions of change.

    The best information for using these tracks can be found on PSTEC Positive Secrets ( and this guide is packed full of great tips and suggestions; I will offer some that you could use or tailor to your own needs. I will leave out the period/full stop because, as advised in Positive Secrets, this can make a difference.

    In general, keep the suggestions short, punchy,  plausible (for your current mind model), positive and desirable. To make this more clear, if someone felt “unworthy of love”, they could CT the negative feelings to 0 or 1, BB the contributing  beliefs and layer in a suggestion like “Perhaps I am worthy of love, after all” or “When I see myself in the mirror, I can feel content”

    You can also layer in “Every day, I will notice new ways to appreciate myself” and “maybe I can let my inner beauty shine in everything I do”

    There is no “one size fits all” with PSTEC, and I would recommend selecting a series of phrases that resonate with you.

    If you have a connection with God, as indicated in your post, you may also consider a suggestion like “God loves me completely, and so can I”

    This is likely to have greater impact for most people than something like “I am the most beautiful person on the planet!”

    Bottom line is, though, make it the suggestions meaningful and impactful for you.

    If you have any further questions, please let me know.

    Paul  :D

    Paul McCabe – PSTEC Master Practitioner

    Please contact me anytime if you want any assistance in utilising PSTEC to help you live a life of tremendous freedom & possibility.

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