Reply To: Compared with EFT… other memories coming up… thoughts on goals

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Jeff Harding

    Thanks Cynthia – the dream work is somewhat on the back burner at the moment until she sleeps because I need the sleep in order to dream ;)

    I started running the track for the lack of sleep and it was my experience of her birth which came up – what I mean to the 'back of my mind' was that the horrific memories had started to fade.. but of course with the click track they came back into my full experience.. I think I ran it about 3 times and I also worked on some of my daughters issues with the birth through feeling her energy.
    She actually 'sleeps' ok – its just that she wakes for several feeds still… bless her she is obviously growing lots..

    I have continued running the click tracks to help clear the path to my goals – and am still surprised at the things that were blocking me ie – when a memory comes up and i think 'oh its not that – that was ages ago' – i allow myself to re-experience it and clear it and realise that it was blocking me! Strange how the subconscious works – in that it has no 'time' – everything that has happened is still happening now over and over and can have an effect..

    I have found myself feeling more positive and making some different changes.. will check back in soon to update on the sleeping !!! :)
