Reply To: While using PSTEC my blood pressure went up

Jeff Harding

    Hi Everyone:
    These touches that I am about to share here, comes from a wonderful book by Barbara J. Semple. Its a picture and guide book called Instant Healing, and it is acuholds on the different meridians in the body, to help in bringing health to many different areas. The touches that I will be sharing is under the heading of “High De-Anxiety”, but just to let you know, there are also touches for many other areas, such as, Adrenal Health, Circulation, Emotional Balancing, Hormonal Health, Pain Relief, Thyroid Health, Weight Loss Ease, and more. So here are the ones for High De-Anxiety.

    1. The Complete Breath Hug: Cross your arms and tuck your hands into each opposite arm pit, with your thumbs resting flat on your chest. Lower your shoulders, and count 36 complete breaths. That is 36 inhales and exhales. Breathe through your nose, totally relax and just be present with your breath and body.

    2. Central Connection: Place right hand flat on top of head and left hand on the tip of the pubic bone. Relax your shoulders, arms and hands and just be with your bodies natural way of healing for up to five minutes for each different quick step.

    Then leaving the left hand on the tip of the public bone, move the right hand down to cover the coccyx or tailbone. If this is difficult because of mobility issues, you can use the back of the hand to cover the tailbone also. This is also a good one to do lying down, if its more comfortable, it helps me relax and go to sleep more easily.

    3. Use Your Life Well: Cross your left foot onto your right knee, and place your right hand on your little toe and place your other hand flatly on the center tip of your pubic bone. Relax your shoulders, hands and fingers, and breathe comfortably for up to five minutes, then do the other side, just reversing the foot and hand holds.

    4. Waist Up-Waist Down Harmony: Place right fingertips on your left elbow and your left hand on your opposite (right) mid thigh. Relax and breathe for up to five minutes, then switch hands and do the other side.

    5. Calms Nervous System: Rest your right hand on your upper thigh (either thigh, it doesn't matter) and place your left hand over the right wrist and just relax for up to five minutes Then switch positions.

    6. Personal Analgesic: Place foot on opposite knee and hold the inside and outside of your ankle bones, making sure the right hand is always on the inside of your ankle. Relax your shoulders, arms and hands and breathe comfortably for up to five minutes, then switch positions and do the other side, for the same amount of time. Again, making sure your right hand is always on the inside of your ankle. Barbara says in her book that this one may help harmonize feelings of panic as well as pain.

    In this book, Barbara shares 50 different holds, for a large variety of ailments, and they have never failed to help me feel relaxed and calm. This is not the author's suggestion, but mine. I often do this while watching TV, reading or listening to a telesemminar on line. Don't be discouraged because it takes a little time, if you are feeling ruffled or anxious, even one or two of these quick steps will really help. Just on a personal note. I always start with the Central Connection. It works quickly to relieve most of the anxiety. I'm sure you will find your own favorites.

    Hope this helps,