Reply To: Is there a difference between Level 1 (Self Help) and Level 1 (Therapists)?

Forums Questions on PSTEC Packages PSTEC Level 1 Audio Package Is there a difference between Level 1 (Self Help) and Level 1 (Therapists)? Reply To: Is there a difference between Level 1 (Self Help) and Level 1 (Therapists)?

Jeff Harding

    Hi Jeff..

    You made some great points. I'm so glad you decided to comment on my posts here.

    You are absolutely correct. The feeling of frustration is definitely the evidence that there is a conflict between my subconscious patterns and conscious desires. And since, from what I understand, subconscious is way more powerful and is pretty much “running the show”, my desires are just that.. desires, and not manifested experiences.

    One thing I seem to struggle with is discovering what my limiting beliefs are. I know what I want, I know it hasn't arrived yet.. so I know, that I am holding some unconscious beliefs that are preventing me from manifesting my desire (at this point, I am past blaming other people or outside circumstances). But when I want to work on tapping these beliefs out with EFT or now with PSTEC, I am not sure how to identify them.

    That's why what you're saying is very exciting for me. If I use PSTEC Positive, my own subconscious will let me know when there is a conflict and I'll be.. hopefully… able to recognize the thought/belief that has been hidden.

    A technical question. When you tap with both hands .. there is no click, just a sound… how fast do you tap? Faster then with just a right hand? Slower than with just your left? Does it even matter?

    Also, you mentioned that it's not that important to get the wording perfect. I was just trying to focus on the feeling, not saying anything. Am I also supposed to say my thoughts out loud?