Reply To: Is there a difference between Level 1 (Self Help) and Level 1 (Therapists)?

Forums Questions on PSTEC Packages PSTEC Level 1 Audio Package Is there a difference between Level 1 (Self Help) and Level 1 (Therapists)? Reply To: Is there a difference between Level 1 (Self Help) and Level 1 (Therapists)?

Jeff Harding
PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

    Hi Tomas,

    You are always welcome!

    On the clicking and tapping…

    Well, first of all it depends which Click Track you are using because you will notice that each Click Track has a little different instructions in terms of which hand responds to which click or tone.

    • For each click and tone, you are TAPPING your fingers.
    • There are two click beat tracks and a tone track in every audio, but the tapping varies depending upon the particular audio file.
    • [/list]
      Let’s take the Click Track 01 (file name “PSTecFile01”) as an example…

      1. There is the first, faster click beat track and Tim says tap with the fingers of the right hand along with the rhythm of the clicking.
      2. There is a second, slower click beat track and Tim says tap along with the fingers of the left hand along with the rhythm of the clicking.
      3. There is a tone and when you hear that, you tap with BOTH hands as rapidly as you can.
      4. [/list]Again, when it comes to tapping with your individual hands and the speed of the tapping, they correspond the same. In other words, when you tap with either hand singly, you tap in rhythm or in time with the clicks and tones. When you are tapping with both hands, tap them rapidly together; as fast as you can.

        • Remember, just do the best you can in terms of the tapping… if you miss, don't worry, just do the best you can.
        • Be sure you are focusing as he says in the audio on the feelings and the problem memory. Don't worry about understanding what he is saying; just focus on trying to hand on to the feeling and the memory.
        • No need to repeat anything while tapping with the Click Track. This is not the same as other modalities, so DO NOT bring other methods into this. In your mind, start from scratch and just follow along with the instructions.
        • [/list]
          So, you merely focus on the feeling and the memory (memory can be an image, a movie, a sound in your mind, a little snippet of a movie, a flash of an image; person, place or thing) and try… try as hard as you can to hold onto it.

          I'm not sure what the reference was to “…not important to get the wording perfect.” So, I am not sure how to address that. As you said, focus on the feeling and the memory.

