Reply To: Procrastination

Jeff Harding
PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

    Hi Dixie… ah, I know from whence you came… or are. :- )

    Here's another interview…this one with Michael about no feelings or memories and, in reality, he comes from a place of severe depression.

    I just talked to him this week as a matter of fact and most days he is running on about a 6-7 of satisfaction in life…sometimes higher, sometimes lower, but his low is a 5-6 instead of a 1-2… and he has found more and more peace with himself. What has also happened is that his expectations and goals have changed because the previous ones were not truly “his” per se. So, as we clear the junk out of the way, we begin to allow the Truth to be revealed… our Truth.

    I know, I know… that waxes a bit philosophical, but, in Reality, I am talking about bringing the Radical Idealism into a Practical Realism here and now.

    So, do not try to “tie anything” to the issue with your conscious mind. Let your subconscious reveal the issues to you and that may not always be immediately in the beginning. Remember, you are learning a new way… a new path… and part of that is unlearning the old habits.

    Your emails and threads include quite a bit of attempted analysis and thinking. That is the Critical Factor Tim describes and some can get a bit beyond it on their own to get to some of the issues and clear them up… others can't, so they need someone to guide them.

    Ok, so what this may take for you is to have someone ask the right questions to uncover some of the issues… some of the causes. It's rather difficult to do it via email, but let me give you a few questions that might help:

    You see, on one hand you say you are afraid of success and on the other hand you say maybe the success you have is not enough. A bit of an oxymoron, but, in reality as well, perhaps it is both; which can REALLY be confusing and prevent the mind from functioning successfuly and peacefully.

    This is the self reflection that is tough and some shy away from, but is essential in uncovering the issues at hand…uncovering the cause of the state of BEing.

    Let someone help you discover what to target with your PSTEC… at least for a bit until you get the hang of things. You have to follow the bread crumbs and they are all over the place… all around you because our lives leave clues.

    Some issues are very simple, but others are a bit complex because they are layered with experiences and language we listen to all our lives.

    Here is something that might help in assessing a bit… I call this Assessment to Freedom and it will help you ask some tough questions of yourself and may just uncover some of the breadcrumbs…
    Click Here for a copy of Assessment to Freedom

