Reply To: focus on positive outcome when doing pattern interrupts ???

Forums Questions on PSTEC Packages Success with PSTEC and PSTEC Positive focus on positive outcome when doing pattern interrupts ??? Reply To: focus on positive outcome when doing pattern interrupts ???

Jeff Harding
PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

    Hi Boe,

    My statement was not actually a direct quote from Tim although it does include some thoughts from him that I have integrated.

    PSTEC is not meant to be easy… it's not some zen-like, zone-out, relaxation, “floaty” method (not that any of those aspects are bad or ineffective, they are just different)… it requires concentration and focus.  It's an example of why PSTEC is not recommended for use with children unless under the supervision of an experienced practitioner and/or parent.

    Your mind will attempt to wander and it's ok… it's natural.  So, when it does, just gently bring it back to focus on your intention.

    What's your intention?

    • When it comes to the click tracks and an emotional issue, your intention is to focus on the memory/imagined event and emotion/feeling while following along with the clicks and tone.
    • When it comes to using PP, it's to focus on your desired outcome and the feeling/emotion that comes with that manifestation while following along with the clicks and tone.
      That's it…nothing more OR less than that.
    • The instructions do NOT say to be perfect at the tapping.
    • The instructions do NOT say to be perfect in your concentration or focus on the memory/imagined event.
    • The instructions do NOT say to be perfect in holding onto the emotion/feeling.
    • The instructions do NOT say to analyze either your issue or the process.
    • [/list]So, you see, when you are “thinking” that usually goes opposite of one or more (or all) of the above.

      Set your intention and follow along the best you can.  That's it!

      If you want to know more about the how… about what goes on under the hood of this high performance sports car called PSTEC… you'll have to become a mechanic and there is much to learn.  Look into the Therapist tutorials and study them and watch for more to come from Tim for therapists.

      But, when using PSTEC personally, just follow the directions to a “T.”

