Reply To: Agoraphobia

Jeff Harding

    Dear Jussi,

    If it is any encouragement to you, your written English is quite impressive! Please CT away any thought that you do not communicate well in written English because it is very much untrue! :D

    As to the rest of your questions, I'll let others answer as I'm a beginner, myself! Congratulations on quitting smoking! Good for you! Excellent!

    God's peace,


    Hi Jussi

    I'd also like to say nice job on the writing – you have nothing to worry about.

    So awesome that you stopped smoking with the program – I too would love to hear about it. Sounds to me like you are doing great. In your words – you consider yourself to be agoraphobic — which is pretty intense on the anxiety/panic scale??? —- so — it is fair to say (IMO) — that this is a more 'complicated' puzzle to solve. It might just take a little longer to figure out how to dismantle it… but you can dismantle it.

    Are you doing POS? It is going to take re-balancing your scales — tipping them… it just takes a little time.

    This thread might be useful:

    Encouragement: You've made progress — you are making progress — you have witnessed your own progress & written about it — keep going & surely you will find the standing leg & collapse it!


    P.S. You gauge this all started about 1 year ago. Think back over the time 6-12 months before you noticed this change in your behavior. What was going on for you??? What changed? What were you dealing with? Where was your energy focused? Maybe write things out — map it out — see if you can see anything that needs to be worked with or if anything comes up.

    Thanks for all the answers!

    I listened Meghan´s interview and it was great! Well done Meghan!

    Yes, a one year ago(when it all started) I had quite severe circumstances in my life but I have allready worked with them quite a lot, and I´m not sure if it´s still the “root cause” or were they just things which triggered the problem. Because clearing them has not deleted anxiety.

    I followed my intuition last night and asked myself what i´m afraid of these situations where I feel these nasty emotions.

    I found some emotionally strong but stupid beliefs about myself in social situations where are lot of people:

    1. If I don´t know people near to me very well I have to at my very best or they don´t like me.
    2. People must like me or I have failed and be sad and angry
    3. I´m afraid that people don´t respect me or that I somehow “lose my face” (not sure if you understand that term).
    4. Etc. Lot more different kind of beliefs and thought processes which are all under the “topic belief” that I must be either very good or perfect at social situations. I think this is huge limiting part of my personality and have been there long time.

    Now I will try to neutralize these beliefs which are just creating huge pressure for me and install healthier ones. Timeline is before January so I can again start to enjoy studying right at the start of second period and also to enjoy other parts of my life which these severe anxious feelings have been limiting. Also working with increasing self-acceptance is truly worth of tapping

    Hopefully this is right path. I´m happy that I´m just like Edison “who proved for sure that these XXX(number) ways to correct problem doesn´t work so I have try new one”. Just don´t give up and be as honest as you can be to yourself and you will get the results. There is no failure. :)

    One thing: Don´t be pessimistic about PSTEC because this problem above has taken so much time, every other problem where I have been using PSTec great results have been achieved just about 1-6 click tracking times.
