Reply To: Do I really release the core of the problem, or just the awareness of it?

Forums General Discussions and Specific Issues Miscellaneous and Other Topics Do I really release the core of the problem, or just the awareness of it? Reply To: Do I really release the core of the problem, or just the awareness of it?

Ellen Dyb Wedeld

    Thank you Jeff!! I can't believe how generous you are with your time and knowledge :D Your reply is a huge help, and I feel safe in proceeding with the clicks and taps, and have ideas of how to approach these issues. Hopefully I'll report back in a while when things have changed in a BIG way for the better!

    I also want to mention a sort of synchronisity that just happened… Last night I was working with a client I hadn't seen in a while. He told me he had discovered something new on the internet, which he had been using lately. It was PSTEC of course! He's the only person in Norway beside myself, that I know of, that knows about PSTEC. I was able to guide him a bit on how to use it better, and now it's part of his toolbox for when he does his “homework”. That's just great!! :D I also mentioned to him I'd been thinking of using PSTEC with clients, but have had some conserns regarding language. In his opinion that would be no problem, and just go for it. So I probably will after getting a bit more experience with it myself.

    We're allso lucky to have this incredible resource available. Thanks again!
