Reply To: Still not clear

Jeff Harding
PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

    Hi Gentle P,

    No apology necessary here…

    Well, first of all it depends which Click Track you are using because you will notice that each Click Track has a little different instructions in terms of which hand respond to which click or tone.

    • For each click and tone, you are TAPPING your fingers.
    • It does not matter where you tap your fingers just that the fingers are tapping and moving.  Most people are sitting and, if comfortable, rest their hands on their thighs and just tap the thighs, but, again, where you tap does not matter.If you feel that tapping a certain point will help, please do.
    • There are two click beat tracks and a tone track in every audio, but the tapping varies depending upon the particular audio file.
    • [/list]Let’s take the Click Track 01 (file name “PSTecFile01”) as an example…

    • There is the first, faster click beat track and Tim says tap with the fingers of the right hand along with the rhythm of the clicking.
    • There is a second, slower click beat track and Tim says tap along with the fingers of the left hand along with the rhythm of the clicking.
    • There is a tone and when you hear that, you tap with BOTH hands as rapidly as you can… you continue tapping as long as the tone is playing each time you hear it.
    • [/list]Again, when it comes to tapping with your individual hands and the speed of the tapping, they correspond the same.  In other words, when you tap with either hand singly, you tap in rhythm or in time with the clicks and tones.When you are tapping with both hands, tap them rapidly together; as fast as you can.

    • Remember, just do the best you can in terms of the tapping… if you miss, don't worry, just do the best you can.
    • Be sure you are focusing as he says in the audio on the feelings and the problem memory.  Don't worry about understanding what he is saying; just focus ontrying to hand on to the feeling and the memory.
    • [/list]Listen to the PSTEC Instructions audio again to become more familiar with the process and also review the FAQ's as they may give you more insight on how to use PSTEC appropriately and may also give you more confidence in using them…

      Does that cover your Questions #1 and #2?

      No memories…

      You can focus merely on the feeling if you wish, yes, but realize that the process MIGHT provide a little different experience… it may be a bit more difficult in terms of having reactions physically that are more intense.Why is this?

      Basically, the mind is always pairing things up with emotions/feelings… they are either memories or imagined events.  In other words, you do not have the feelings for no reason… there is always a reason and that reason is comprised of your many experiences and perceptions.

      So, yes, again, you can just focus on the feeling… BUT…

      Notice that you said, “Though at that point anything I think about in past, present or future, that feeling attaches to that.” … do you see the information your mind is presenting to you?

      Your subconscious is telling you the memories and imagined events that are either at the cause or contributing to those emotions.

      So, there is the answer for you…Take one of those images/thoughts/past memories/future imagined events and pair one of them up with that emotion/feeling.

      You see?

      If you have several coming to you, just pick the one that is most bothersome… if you have several that are very similar, then find the common aspect of those memories and focus on that along with the emotion/feeling and run the CT.

      For example, suppose you were bullied by a group of children in the third grade, but there was one person, Healthcliff (yes, I know, difficult to imagine a bully named Heathcliff  ;D ), that was the “ring leader” and did, in your mind, most of the bullying.

      So, focus just on Healthcliff's face or the expression that was most memorable while trying as hard as you can to feel the emotion… then run the CT.The answers are all there within… slow down and listen.



      If you continue having difficulty, check the PSTEC register for a practitioner that maybe able to help you individually and guide you through the process…