Reply To: Caring too much what others think

Meghan Saunders

    Chapter 4:  NAYSAYERS

    Regarding – naysayers & allowing other people's opinions to stop you from exploring ideas of interest: ie – your friend saying phooey – malarkey – placebo and now you may be thinking – – she's probably right…. what was I thinking – silly me – – – forget about it!

    With certain things like PSTEC I do think it can be better to dive in and try it or any new process or tool yourself first and formulate your own opinion about it BEFORE sharing it with others – – – for this very reason.  If you are first secure with it yourself and your know first hand that it does in fact work exactly as described by the designer then – – – when you introduce it to someone who you think it might help and they say something like – – nonsense – impossible – – you can either talk them through what you know first hand or maybe just accept they are not ready.

    I personally often remind myself of Telsa and The Wright Brother's or Napoleon Hill.  When Telsa talked about airwaves and radio waves and broadcasting audio – his own friends had him institutionalized.  He was on to wifi way back when.  I don't know how old readers are but – – – if you can think back to 1980 or even 1990 do you think any of us could conceptualize the iphone?  Well Telsa did way way back when. 

    The Wright Brother's – – really???? 2 bicycle repair dudes are going to design a contraption that flies – – through the air – – – really boys – – – keep dreaming.  Again major opposition and naysaying and jokes and ridicule.

    Apparently Napoleon Hill's son was born without any visible sign of ears.  The doctors told him his son would never hear.  Napoleon Hill said – my son will hear at 100% just like any other person.  He was persistent in his desire to have his son hear at 100% and he committed himself to focusing on this desire for 4 hours a day for the first 4 years of his son's life.  4 hours everyday.

    At some point early on a doctor pulled him aside and said something to the effect of:  Napoleon sometimes you just have to accept the cards you are given – you need to accept that your son will not hear.  Napoleon Hill said – PHOOEY!!!!  Nonsense, you don't know what you're talking about.  He did not let others deter his desire for what he wanted and how he wanted it.  He continued with his intentions and focusing on his desire for his son to hear – DAILY! (FOUR YEARS – because it mattered to him & was of utmost importance to him)!

    At about 18 months his son had maybe 25% hearing and at the age of 4 had 65% of his hearing.  When his son was in college a hearing-aid company heard about this boy who had no visible sign of ears and had 65% hearing.  They offered to build him a special hearing aid and it gave him 100% hearing abilities.

    If any of these individuals had just simply listened to the naysayers – – we would be a different society.

    It is good to have personal role models and mentors.